What is the function of slug catcher?

What is the function of slug catcher?

A Slug Catcher is used to collect liquids that have settled in flow lines which can overload the gas/liquid handling capacity of the plant especially during pigging operations. The Slug Catcher helps protect your valuable production equipment from abrupt large bursts of liquids entering your gas stream.

What apparatus is used to collect slugs?

Pitfall traps A pitfall trap is often used to get a sample of small invertebrates living on the ground, such as beetles, spiders and slugs.

What is a slug in a pipeline?

A slug is an uneven distribution of liquid and gas in a pipeline. Pipelines transport both gas and liquids in two-phase flow. Under certain conditions, the liquids and gases may group together to form slugs. When the liquid slug exits a pipeline it can overload your gas/liquid handling capabilities at the plant.

How does a finger type slug catcher work?

The features of both the vessel and finger types are combined into a Parking Loop slug catcher. The Separation of gas and liquid phase occurs in the Vessel, while the parking loop-shaped fingers provide the buffer volume for storing the liquid.

Whats is a slug?

A Slug is the unique identifying part of a web address, typically at the end of the URL. In the context of MDN, it is the portion of the URL following “/docs/”. It may also just be the final component when a new document is created under a parent document; for example, this page’s slug is Glossary/Slug .

Can a slug catcher seperate gas from liquids?

The operating pressure in the slug catcher is maintained by a pressure controller and pressure control valve in the gas outlet. A Parking Loop slug catcher combines features of the vessel and finger types. The Gas/Liquid Separation occurs in the Vessel, while the Liquid is stored in the parking loop shaped fingers.

Why slugging is done?

Slugging is a pre-compression process for the formation of extra large tablets (slugs), usually of variable weight, due to poor flow of the drug powder. The resulting slugs are subsequently broken down into granules, which are recompressed to obtain the final tablets.

How do you stop slug flow?

Slug flow can be avoided in process piping by [56]: Using a low point effluent drain or bypass. Reducing line sizes to the minimum permitted by available pressure drops. Arranging the pipe configuration to protect against slug flow.

What is slug flow pattern?

In fluid mechanics, slug flow in liquid–gas two-phase flow is a type of flow pattern. The word slug usually refers to the heavier, slower moving fluid, but can also be used to refer to the bubbles of the lighter fluid.

What is slug value?

One slug is a mass equal to 32.1740 lb (14.59390 kg) based on standard gravity, the international foot, and the avoirdupois pound. At the Earth’s surface, an object with a mass of 1 slug exerts a force downward of approximately 32.2 lbf or 143 N.

What kind of equipment is a slug catcher?

Slug catcher is a static equipment used in the upstream oil production facilities to minimize the slug from oil and gas pipeline. Fluids extracted from oil and gas reservoirs contain crude oil, natural gas, water, salts etc.

What is a slug catcher in an oil pipeline?

Slug catcher is a static equipment used in the upstream oil production facilities to minimize the slug from oil and gas pipeline. A slug is a large quantity of gas or liquid that exits in the pipeline. The multiphase flow in a pipeline often leads to formation of slug flow.

How does a mist extractor work in a slug catcher?

The heavier liquid descends while the gas rises. In the open area of the vessel, the stream slows even further and the larger liquid particles fall from the gas. Next the high efficiency mist extractor captures smaller liquid particles entrained in the gas.

What is the Slug Catcher in a LNG plant?

Typical LNG production plant: LNG plant normal operation Slug catcher: is a critical unit that safeguards the LNG production plant against surge in flow and pressure swing from upstream oil and gas production wells. LNG plant normal operation

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