What does the Inner Temple do?

What does the Inner Temple do?

Role. The Inner Temple is one of the four Inns of Court, along with Gray’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn, and the Middle Temple. The Inns are responsible for training, regulating, and selecting barristers within England and Wales, and are the only bodies allowed to call a barrister to the Bar and allow him or her to practice.

How do you enter the Inner Temple?

Applications should be submitted to the Inn at least 12 weeks prior to the commencement of the vocational part of your Bar Course; where the vocational component is split into two parts, applications should be submitted at least 12 weeks prior to the start of Part 2.

What is the Inner Temple in law?

The Inner Temple is an unincorporated membership association which has existed since the 14th Century. The Inns of Court hold the exclusive right to Call students to practise law at the Bar of England and Wales.

How many members are in the Inner Temple?

The Inn has over 12,000 qualified members, including Judges, Barristers (both practising and non-practising) Pupils and Students. Each year approximately 400 students apply to join The Inner Temple with the intention of training for the Bar.

Is it hard to join an Inn of Court?

When to Apply for the Four Inns of Court As you can only join one of the inns, the decision becomes infinitely harder especially under the time constraints as you must join before you start the BPTC. You have to apply before the 31st of May during the year you will undertake the course.

Do judges live in Gray’s Inn?

To be called to the Bar and practise as a barrister in England and Wales, an individual must belong to one of these Inns. Having existed for over 600 years, members of Gray’s Inn include many noted lawyers and judges, such as Francis Bacon, Baron Slynn, Lord Bingham of Cornhill, Lord Hoffmann and others.

Can you get rejected from an Inn of Court?

Awards are given based on merit but may be weighted to reflect financial need. You can apply to one Inn at a time for law school scholarships. If you are rejected you can choose to join the Inn anyway (no shame in that!) or wait and try your luck again at this Inn or another in the next scholarship round.

Why does a barrister wear a wig?

The trend was started by Louis XIV of France. In the mid-17th century, a balding scalp was considered as a sign that someone had contracted syphilis. Therefore, the king disguised his scalp using a wig. Wigs are still worn in criminal cases and some barristers choose to wear them during civil proceedings.

Where do you have to be to go to the Inner Temple?

Inner Temple. To be called to the Bar and practise as a barrister in England and Wales, an individual must belong to one of these Inns. It is located in the wider Temple area of the capital, near the Royal Courts of Justice, and within the City of London .

How many members does the Inner Temple have?

The Inner Temple is an independent, unincorporated organisation, and works as a trust. It has approximately 8,000 members and around 450 apply to join per year.

When was the rebuilding of the Inner Temple completed?

Rebuilding was completed in 1959, and today the Temple is a flourishing and active Inn of Court, with over 8,000 members. The Inner Temple is one of the four Inns of Court, along with Gray’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn, and the Middle Temple.

When did the Knights Templar move to the Inner Temple?

The history of the Inner Temple begins in the early years of the reign of Henry II (1154–1189), when the contingent of Knights Templar in London moved from the Old Temple in Holborn to a new location on the banks of the River Thames, stretching from Fleet Street to what is now Essex House.

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