What is Jorge Luis Borges famous for?

What is Jorge Luis Borges famous for?

Jorge Luis Borges most famous works include Universal History of Infamy (1935), Ficciones (1944), The Aleph (1949), and The Book of Sand (1975). All of them deal with fictional places and toy with the idea of infinity and mythical creatures that immerse the reader in magical worlds.

What medical condition did Jorge Luis Borges have?

By this time, Borges suffered from total blindness, a hereditary affliction that had also attacked his father and had progressively diminished his own eyesight from the 1920s onward. It had forced him to abandon the writing of long texts and to begin dictating to his mother or to secretaries or friends.

Did Jorge Luis Borges get married?

Borges married Elsa Astete Millan in 1967 but was divorced in 1970. He married Maria Kodama in 1986, shortly before his death on June 14, in Geneva, Switzerland.

How many kids did Jorge Luis Borges have?

In 1986 he married his longtime assistant Maria Kodama. She was in her early 40’s and had earned a doctorate in literature, and the two had traveled together extensively in previous years. The marriage lasted only a couple of months before Borges passed away. He had no children.

What caused Borges blindness?

From early childhood, Borges suffered from terrible myopia and by age 29 developed cataracts. Borges received the first of eight eye operations in March of 1928, and went completely blind 25 years later, but this did not affect his penchant for walking around the dangerous outskirts of Buenos Aires.

Was Jorge Luis Borges religious?

On his religious views, Borges declared himself an agnostic, clarifying: “Being an agnostic means all things are possible, even God, even the Holy Trinity.

How did Borges go blind?

So this is what happened. From early childhood, Borges suffered from terrible myopia and by age 29 developed cataracts. Treatment was unknown, as it would be another 40 years before Dr. Benjamin’s birth, and it appeared to be a family curse; his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all died blind.

What age did Borges go blind?

In 1955, he was appointed director of the National Public Library and professor of English Literature at the University of Buenos Aires. He became completely blind by the age of 55. Scholars have suggested that his progressive blindness helped him to create innovative literary symbols through imagination.

Did Jorge Luis Borges have siblings?

Norah Borges
Jorge Luis Borges/Siblings

Why did Borges move to Switzerland?

Jorge Luis Borges He spent most of his childhood in Palermo, then a suburb on the outskirts of the city, but in 1914 the family moved to Geneva (Switzerland) for treatment for his father’s failing eyesight, a problem that would later affect Borges.

Was Borges completely blind?

At what age did Borges go blind?

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