How many cars do Sultan of Brunei have?

How many cars do Sultan of Brunei have?

7,000 cars
The car collection of the 29th Sultan of Brunei is the largest private car collection in the world, consisting of approximately 7,000 cars which have an estimated combined value over US$5 billion.

How many Rolls Royce does Brunei Sultan have?

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei is believed to have a private collection of around 500 Rolls-Royces – the largest collection of its kind in the world.

How many cars does Jay Leno’s garage have?

In fact, Jay Leno’s car collection is beyond impressive. Jay Leno owns nearly 150 cars, and we’ve listed the most interesting rides, including one that’s worth $12 million (No. 1).

Is alcohol banned in Brunei?

The sale of alcohol and tobacco in Brunei is prohibited. Non-Muslims over 17 years of age may import a limited amount of alcohol, but must declare it to the customs authorities on arrival, and must consume it in private.

How big is the car collection of the Sultan of Brunei?

The car collection of the 29th Sultan of Brunei is the largest private car collection in the world, consisting of approximately 7,000 cars which have an estimated combined value over $5 Billion USD. The 29th Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, is one of the last absolute monarchs of the modern era.

How many Rolls Royces does the Sultan of Brunei have?

SS01 was sold to the UK in the early 2000’s. SS02, SS03 and SS13 are still in the Royal family garages as of 2010. As of 2011, the Sultan of Brunei holds the Guinness World Record for the largest private Rolls-Royce collection, with more than 500 Rolls-Royce vehicles.

How many Ferrari F40s does the Sultan of Brunei have?

Only three of the eleven Ferrari F40s have exchanged ownership from the Sultan of Brunei. One of these cars was the original F40 LM purchased for Brunei in 1992 which has since gone through four separate owners before ultimately being purchased by Shinji Takei in 1996.

What makes the car of the Sultan unique?

When the car debuted onto the market, Ferrari set the price around $400,000. The car became so popular that some owners paid several million dollars. What makes the Sultan’s car unique is that it is the only right-hand drive vehicle.

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