Is a glucose level of 112 bad?

Is a glucose level of 112 bad?

A fasting blood sugar between 110 and 125 would be considered in the “prediabetes” range. Less than 110 is normal and greater than 126 is diabetes. These abnormal blood sugar levels usually happen when a person’s tissues don’t respond well to a hormone [insulin] signal to take up sugar from the blood.

Is blood glucose of 113 too high?

Fasting blood sugar test A fasting blood sugar level from 100 to 125 mg/dL (5.6 to 7.0 mmol/L ) is considered prediabetes. This result is sometimes called impaired fasting glucose. A fasting blood sugar level of 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L ) or higher indicates type 2 diabetes.

What is borderline diabetes?

A person with borderline diabetes, or prediabetes, has blood sugar levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough for a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Borderline diabetes is a condition that may lead to type 2 diabetes.

What should be random blood sugar level?

Random Blood Sugar Test

Result* A1C Test Glucose Tolerance Test
Diabetes 6.5% or above 200 mg/dL or above
Prediabetes 5.7 – 6.4% 140 – 199 mg/dL
Normal Below 5.7% 140 mg/dL or below

What does a blood sugar level of 112 mean?

Therefore, according to the chart above, if the 112 mg/dL blood sugar level was from a Fasting Glucose Test, then it may indicate prediabetes. If the test result of a 112 mg/dL blood sugar level was from a Random Glucose Test, then the result would indicate it to be in the normal range.

Is a blood sugar level of 122 bad?

70 – 100 mg/dL = Normal. 101 – 125 mg/dL = Prediabetes . 126 and above = Diabetes. Therefore, according to the chart above, if the 122 mg/dL blood sugar level was from a Fasting Glucose Test , then it may indicate prediabetes.

Is 120 a good sugar level?

Although 120 is not too high, ideally you do want to gain very good control of your blood sugar levels by following a healthy diet and doing regular exercise. If you can get your fasting level between 90-100 mg/dl (5-5.5 mmol/l), and your 2 hour reading between 120-140 mg/dl (6.6-7.8 mmol/l) then that is optimal.

What does high blood glucose reading mean?

High sugar levels slowly erode the ability of cells in your pancreas to make insulin. The organ overcompensates and insulin levels stay too high. Over time, the pancreas is permanently damaged. High levels of blood sugar can cause changes that lead to a hardening of the blood vessels, what doctors call atherosclerosis .

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