What are 5 contraceptive methods?

What are 5 contraceptive methods?

What birth control options are available?

  • Barrier methods. Examples include male and female condoms, as well as the diaphragm, cervical cap and contraceptive sponge.
  • Short-acting hormonal methods.
  • Long-acting hormonal methods.
  • Sterilization.
  • Fertility awareness methods.

What is the most natural contraceptive method?

Condoms are also a popular natural birth control option because they protect from sexually transmitted infections.

  • The copper IUD.
  • The birth control sponge.
  • Withdrawal.
  • Sterilization and vasectomy.

What are the 10 methods of contraception?

The different methods of contraception available are Natural/Traditional methods, Barriers, IUDs (IntraUterine Devices), Oral contraceptives, Implants, Injectables, and surgical methods.

What is natural contraceptive method?

Natural birth control is a method of preventing pregnancy without the use of medications or physical devices. These concepts are based on awareness and observations about a woman’s body and menstrual cycle.

What are the natural and artificial methods of contraception?

Family Planning Methods

  • Assessment.
  • Natural Family Planning. Abstinence. Calendar Method. Basal Body Temperature. Cervical Mucus Method. Symptothermal Method.
  • Hormonal Contraception. Oral Contraceptives. Transdermal Patch. Vaginal Ring. Subdermal Implants. Hormonal Injections.
  • Surgical Methods. Vasectomy. Tubal Ligation.

What are natural contraception methods?

These are used each time you have sex and include condoms, diaphragms, sponges, and cervical caps. Rhythm method. This natural birth control method is based on ovulation cycle. This involves abstaining from sex on the days when you’re most fertile and most likely to become pregnant.

What are natural birth control methods?

9 Natural Birth Control Options

  • Calendar rhythm method.
  • Basal body temperature method.
  • Mucus inspection method.
  • Symptothermal method.
  • Ovulation indicator testing kits.
  • Withdrawal method.
  • Lactational infertility.
  • Douching and urination.

What are the 4 methods of contraception?

methods of contraception:

  • long-acting reversible contraception – the implant or intra uterine device (IUD)
  • hormonal contraception – the pill or the Depo Provera injection.
  • barrier methods – condoms.
  • emergency contraception.
  • fertility awareness.
  • permanent contraception – vasectomy and tubal ligation.

What are the natural methods?

Natural Methods

  • Fertility-Awareness Based Methods.
  • Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)
  • Withdrawal (Coitus interruptus)
  • Abstinence.

What are three natural birth control methods?

What are the methods of contraception?

The 15 methods of contraception

  • caps.
  • combined pill.
  • condoms (female)
  • condoms (male)
  • contraceptive implant.
  • contraceptive injection.
  • contraceptive patch.
  • diaphragms.

What are the natural methods of family planning?

There are three major classifications of natural family planning methods:

  • Periodic abstinence (fertility awareness) method.
  • Use of breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM)
  • Coitus interruptus (withdrawal or pulling out) method.

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