What makes you corrupt in Fable 2?

What makes you corrupt in Fable 2?

In Fable II, this is measured on a scale ranging from –1000 (Corrupt) to 1000 (Pure). Things like drinking, paying for sex, having multiple spouses, and charging too much rent all make you corrupt, whereas eating vegetables, having a happy family, doing jobs in town and lowering rent will make you pure.

How do you get big in Fable 2?

Fable II

  1. Investing your experience in Physique will make your Hero more muscular.
  2. Investing your experience in Accuracy will stimulate your Hero’s growth glands, making them taller.
  3. Investing your experience in Will causes blue Will lines of varying intensity to appear all over your Hero’s body.

How do you reverse aging in Fable 2?

Ageing is also reversible by donating to the Temple of Light or sleeping at Castle Fairfax. Upon completing the game the Hero may age a bit more, with their hair turning a shade of grey. Sleeping in Castle Fairfax does not reverse this, but completing the Brightwood Tower quest once will still reverse the ageing.

Is Reaver the hero from Fable 1?

Reaver is an ex-pirate turned business man, factory owner, and the Hero of Skill.

How do I get rid of flies in Fable 2?

You can speed up the process by donating to the Temple of Light, which gives Purity directly. You can also eat Pure boosting foods. Alternatively, maxing your Evil while corrupt will get rid of the flies, but you’ll have some other wild-looking effects.

How do you become a demon in Fable 2?

User Info: ProphecyZ. At the end of the game you get to kill your child and eat it, do that and you become the demon.

How do you get rid of scars in fable?

The Scar Vanishing Potions are a series of potions that will remove scars from your body (gained if the Hero is defeated or knocked out in battle) but give you corruption points in return. They are only available from the Knothole Island DLC.

What happens if you keep the dark seal in Fable 2?

The Shadow Court explains that whoever is carrying the dark seal must sacrifice their youth so Reaver can stay young. Keep hold of the Dark Seal. The Hero will be punished with wrinkles, glowing red eyes, and grey hair. Once the Hero finishes the Retribution quest, they will return to normal.

Can you marry Reaver in fable?

Seeing as he is a unique character, it is not possible to be romantically linked to him. In Fable III, despite the fact that Reaver shot Barnum over 50 years before, Reaver still received the (apparently bloodstained) photograph.

Can you find Rose in Fable 2?

Her diary can be found in Old Town, near the area that Rose and Sparrow’s shack used to occupy….Metroid Dread – The Loop.

Last Appearance Fable II – A Perfect World
Status Alive (if Love ending is chosen) Deceased

Can you become king in Fable 2?

Monarch comes from the Ancient Greek language, meaning ‘single ruler’. The Title “King” or “Queen” can be earned in Fable II by buying all the real estate in Albion.

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