How do you know what class you are in homestuck?

How do you know what class you are in homestuck?

Homestuck Class Test

  1. Take the Four Player Types Test on HelloQuizzy.
  2. Write down the PRIMARY category you score in and its PERCENTAGE. Also take note of your SECONDARY category (second highest percentage).
  3. Click on your Primary Player Type and then find you Primary-Secondary combination.

What is your Classpect test?

Classpect Test Explained A Classpect test or quiz is a personality examination to discover one’s category among the 168 possible Class + Aspect combinations. Classpects are classifications based on your Aspect and Class to identify how significant or paltry your impact on reality is.

What are the homestuck aspects?


  • 1.1 Space.
  • 1.2 Time.
  • 1.3 Mind.
  • 1.4 Heart.
  • 1.5 Hope.
  • 1.6 Rage.
  • 1.7 Breath.
  • 1.8 Blood.

What is Classpect?

A classpect (a portmanteau of “class” and “aspect”), in the universe of Homestuck, is a combination of various traits for a player in Sburb (and its various other iterations) that determine what powers both innate and learned that player will have and how they operate.

How many classes are in homestuck?

There are 14 known classes, consisting of 12 “normal” classes and two “master” classes. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied.

Are homestuck classes gendered?

Lord, Bard, Prince, and Page: All are gender-exclusive to males. Heir, Knight, and Mage: These classes are not gender-exclusive, but they lean more towards males. Thief, Rogue, and Seer: These classes are also not gender-exclusive but they learn more towards females.

What is rogue of heart?

The Rogue of Heart is one who steals peoples emotions and their soul itself in order to give them to others. They take the emotions felt by people in order for others to feel them. Letting people experience the same joy or pain that the people they know feel.

What does a knight of heart do?

The Knight of Heart manipulates their own emotions and personality for their advantage. By channeling their own soul and personality into an object the Knight can alter and enhance their stats in any number of ways. They pour their Heart into these items and essentially alchemize them with their soul.

What is space aspect?

Space is one of the two essential aspects for any successful game (the other being Time). This is an allusion to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the fabric of space and time comprising the universe. The Space aspect deals with physical locations, size, shape, and velocity.

What is Kanaya’s aspect?

Space, her Aspect, is a spiral composed of six distinct arms. She also shares properties in common with the sixth element, carbon. Under high pressure, it can become a diamond, just like Kanaya rising to become a Rainbow Drinker.

What does a maid of heart do?

The Maid of Heart protects Heart with Heart, using their own to serve. They Maid can shield their allies using their own soul and personality. At lower levels the Maid’s shield constructs would be smaller, reflective of how little Heart they can pour out.

Does karkat reach God tier?

Karkat and Kankri have not been shown with wings in either of their god tier outfits. Whether they are hidden, too small to be seen, or non-existent is unknown. Kanaya and Porrim have the same wings as their Virgin Mother Grub lusus.

What are the mind and heart aspects of Homestuck?

Homestuck is a webcomic written, illustrated and animated completely by Andrew Hussie. The Mind aspect seems to be related to thoughts and decisions of individuals. The Heart aspect is comparable to “Soul”, or essence of being. The Life aspect is some kind of innate “life force” of living beings, necessary and sufficient for life to exist.

Is the Homestuck classpect test an accurate quiz?

It is an Accurate Homestuck Classpect quiz. A Classpect test or quiz is a personality examination to discover one’s category among the 168 possible Class + Aspect combinations. Classpects are classifications based on your Aspect and Class to identify how significant or paltry your impact on reality is.

What does the manipulation of life mean in Homestuck?

Depending on the class the life player receives, healing wounds or reversing the healing on wounds could become the normal routine for the player. Literal: The manipulation of life. Aspect Description: It is very likely that this aspect is representative of fate, more specifically bad fate.

What does void mean in Homestuck classpects description?

Aspect Description: Void is associated with the lack of anything; nothingness in other words. But this aspect is far more than nothing, it can also mean the lack of knowledge or secrets.

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