What are micro websites?

What are micro websites?

A microsite is a much smaller version of a website that usually exists separate from a brand’s main website. A microsite has its own domain name and URL and is often used for specific marketing goals which can range from email capture to new product launches to raising brand awareness.

How do I create a micro site?

How to build a microsite

  1. Set the objectives of your microsite.
  2. Decide on a domain name and purchase it.
  3. Have an SEO strategy.
  4. Look at microsites competitors have built.
  5. Make a decision on your microsite’s design.
  6. Create the content.
  7. Connect the microsite to analytics and marketing tools.
  8. Launch the microsite.

What is the difference between a website and a microsite?

The main difference is that your website is the heart and soul of your online presence. A microsite, on the other hand, is a website with a special purpose. While your website draws attention to all of your products or services, your microsite might only focus on one very important component of what you do.

What is a microsite example?

A microsite is an individual web page or small cluster of web pages that act as a separate entity for a brand. Microsites can be used to help brands achieve a number of things. For example, some companies have used them to highlight a specific campaign or target specific buyer personas.

Are microsites a good idea?

While microsites can serve legitimate purposes, it’s not recommended to use them solely for SEO. For SEO, focus on getting your main website rank high by producing quality, well optimized content and building relevant links.

How much do microsites cost?

MicroSites | Affordable WordPress Website for $699.

How do microsites work?

A microsite is a brand-specific website (or a single web page) that companies use to promote their individual products, events, or campaigns. These are hosted on their own domain or company’s subdomain and have a different URL than their company websites. They do not contain web pages like “About Us,” “The Team,” etc.

How do I make a Google microsite?

Create & name a Google site

  1. On a computer, open new Google Sites.
  2. At the top, under “Start a new site,” select a template.
  3. At the top left, enter the name of your site and press Enter.
  4. Add content to your site.
  5. At the top right, click Publish.

What is the purpose of a micro site?

A microsite is a branded webpage or a group of webpages, that exist separate from your main website. The idea behind a microsite is to offer yet another platform for potential customers to discover your brand with the objective that the unique content it holds will drive them to perform an action.

Are microsites effective?

While many microsites promote products, they rarely have their own ecommerce infrastructure, with companies preferring to funnel buyers back to the primary retail portal. All of these components mean that microsites can be effective when targeting specific audiences and are an excellent tool for lead generation.

What is a microsite platform?

What’s a microsite? A microsite is a brand-specific website (or a single web page) that companies use to promote their individual products, events, or campaigns. These are hosted on their own domain or company’s subdomain and have a different URL than their company websites.

Why microsites are a bad idea?

A microsite can hurt your SEO for the following reasons: Simply put: there are no shortcuts for good SEO. If you are targeting the same keywords in your microsite as you are in your main site, you’re simply splitting your resources and your sites are competing with each other for rankings.

Can a microsite be incorporated into a website?

In rare cases, a microsite may be incorporated into a brands main website using a subdomain website address. For the purpose of this piece, focus will be on a microsite built to exist on its own domain. Whether you’re a big, worldwide-known brand or a sole trader, this microsite guide will help you build the right microsite for your business.

Which is the best definition of a microsite?

A microsite is an Internet web design term referring to an individual web page or a small cluster (around 1 to 7) of pages which are meant to function as a discreet entity within an existing website or to complement an offline activity. The microsite’s main landing page most likely has its own domain name or subdomain.

What is the difference between a microsite and a landing page?

A microsite is a “sub-site” that focuses on a single campaign. A microsite is not: A landing page – that’s a page used to generate leads for a particular offer. A small website – it can be small, but that’s not what makes it a microsite. A subdomain – but it can have its own subdomain (and usually does).

What can you do with a microsite for marketing?

With a microsite, you can focus all copy and design on one topic, and that topic can be anything from a new product to an email marketing campaign. A clear, targeted presentation of a product or service is actually incredibly more valuable to customers who have specific interests.

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