What painkiller is best for a sprained ankle?

What painkiller is best for a sprained ankle?

In most cases, over-the-counter pain relievers — such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve, others) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) — are enough to manage the pain of a sprained ankle.

Should you take anti-inflammatory for sprained ankle?

Anti-inflammatory medication Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be most effective if you use them during the 48-hour window after you sprain your ankle.

What is the best anti-inflammatory for ankle sprain?

Most doctors recommend anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen (brand names: Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), naproxen (brand name: Aleve), or ketoprofen (brand name: Orudis KT).

Is diclofenac good for injury?

Diclofenac epolamine patch is an effective and safe pain reliever for treatment of minor sports injury pain. The advantages of this novel therapy include its ease of use and lack of systemic side effects.

Should a sprained ankle still be swollen after 4 weeks?

It’s normal for a sprained ankle to swell, sometimes for four to six weeks, or longer. But swelling that persists for more than three months may be a sign of trouble.

How do you heal a sprained ankle in 2 days?

Doctors often recommend these tactics to reduce swelling and inflammation in the days after an injury.

  1. Rest. Resting the ankle is key for healing, and wearing a brace can help stabilize the injured area.
  2. Ice. Using an ice pack may reduce blood flow to the injury and help ease pain and swelling.
  3. Compression.
  4. Elevation.

Do anti inflammatories interfere with healing?

NSAIDs can slow healing Multiple studies have shown that using NSAIDs can slow the healing of broken bones, damaged ligament and other tissues. If you are trying to heal the damage done to a knee, shoulder or other joint, using NSAIDs can significantly lengthen the healing time.

Why won’t my ankle swelling go down?

There are several common causes of ankle pain that does not go away: The sinus tarsi syndrome Lingering inflammation, scar tissue, or a partly torn ligament can occur in the hollow place in the side of the anklebone called the sinus tarsi (sinus in Latin means hollow or sunken and the tarsus is the ankle).

Is diclofenac good for muscle strain?

About diclofenac It’s used to treat aches and pains, as well as problems with joints, muscles and bones. These include: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. sprains and strains in muscles and ligaments.

Do sprained ankles ever fully heal?

They can take longer to heal and sometimes require longer than three months to resolve with treatments like splinting, wearing a boot or a walking cast, and physical therapy. With the proper treatment, however, your high ankle sprain can heal completely.

How should you sleep with a sprained ankle?

Elevating a sprained ankle reduces the accumulation of fluid in the joint. This can ease swelling, which may also help reduce pain. Try sleeping with the foot and ankle propped up on pillows at a level higher than the heart. When sitting or resting, use pillows or a footrest to keep the foot and ankle elevated.

Is it safe to use diclofenac 2.32% gel twice daily?

Efficacy and safety of diclofenac diethylamine 2.32% gel in acute ankle sprain DDEA 2.32% gel twice daily (applied in the morning and evening) was well tolerated and provided lasting relief from pain, improved function, and reduced symptomatic healing time in uncomplicated ankle sprain.

When to use ddea 2.32% gel in ankle sprain?

DDEA 2.32% gel twice daily (applied in the morning and evening) was well tolerated and provided lasting relief from pain, improved function, and reduced symptomatic healing time in uncomplicated ankle sprain. Efficacy and safety of diclofenac diethylamine 2.32% gel in acute ankle sprain Med Sci Sports Exerc.

How is diclofenac used in the treatment of pain?

Diclofenac is a well-known NSAID that has been used for more than 30 yr to treat pain and inflammation. Applied topically, diclofenac penetrates the skin barrier to reach joints, muscles, and synovial fluid.

What’s the treatment for a lateral ankle sprain?

Conventional treatment for lateral ankle sprains focuses on controlling pain and swelling ( 15 ).

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