What did Woody Norris invent?

What did Woody Norris invent?

Woody Norris is a serial inventor of electronics, tools and cutting-edge sonic equipment — such as the LRAD acoustic cannon.

Who invented BolaWrap?

Developed by award winning inventor Elwood Norris, the Company’s Chief Technology Officer, the small but powerful BolaWrap 100 assists law enforcement in safely and effectively deescalating encounters, especially those involving an individual in crisis.

What is hypersonic sound?

Hypersonic® sound (HSS®) is an audio technology that uses the interaction between ultrasonic waves and air to generate audible sound. Hypersonic® sound takes a completely different approach and emits ultrasonic tones which cannot be heard by the human ear.

Do provisional patent applications require drawings?

There is simply no way around it — drawings are essential! Yes, provisional patent applications require fewer formalities. If drawings are necessary to understand the invention they are absolutely necessary in a provisional patent application.

What company makes the BolaWrap?

05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wrap Technologies, Inc. (the “Company” or “WRAP”) (Nasdaq: WRAP), a global leader in innovative public safety technologies and services, announced today that it will host a live webcast on Tuesday, October 12th, 2021 at 1:00 PM ET to unveil its next generation BolaWrap device.

How many police departments are using BolaWrap?

500 agencies
More than 500 agencies use the BolaWrap, Smith said, including the Los Angeles and Seattle police departments. None of Colorado’s largest agencies are using the tool.

Can sound be used as a weapon?

Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW) are weapons of various types that use sound to injure or incapacitate an opponent. Some sonic weapons make a focused beam of sound or of ultrasound; others produce an area field of sound. As of 2021 military and police forces make some limited use of sonic weapons.

Can sound waves damage your brain?

Summary: Prolonged exposure to loud noise alters how the brain processes speech, potentially increasing the difficulty in distinguishing speech sounds, according to neuroscientists. Exposure to intensely loud sounds leads to permanent damage of the hair cells, which act as sound receivers in the ear.

What is a poor man’s patent?

The theory behind the “poor man’s patent” is that, by describing your invention in writing and mailing that documentation to yourself in a sealed envelope via certified mail (or other proof-of-delivery mail), the sealed envelope and its contents could be used against others to establish the date that the invention was …

Can I file a provisional patent myself?

There’s no way you can turn your provisional patent application into a legal patent. Filing a patent in foreign countries must be done within one year of filing in the United States. Be ready to file all applications at the same time.

Are police using BolaWrap?

More than 500 agencies use the BolaWrap, Smith said, including the Los Angeles and Seattle police departments. None of Colorado’s largest agencies are using the tool.

What is BolaWrap made of?

What is the BolaWrap? Described by the company as “remote handcuffs,” WRAP Technologies’ BolaWrap is a handheld restraint tool that fires a lasso-like, 8-foot Kevlar tether with hooks on each end that wraps around a subject’s arms or legs, preventing them from fleeing, punching or kicking.

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