What is Mapisal?

What is Mapisal?

Mapisal (Medac, Wedel, Germany) is a medical ointment containing a large variety of antioxidants and nourishing oil extracts. This randomized phase III trial sought to compare the prophylactic use of Mapisal with urea cream in patients receiving capecitabine treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS.

What is xeloda cream used for?

Xeloda (capecitabine) is an antineoplastic (anti-cancer) medication used to treat breast cancer and colon or rectum cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.

What is the best cream for hand and foot syndrome?

Emollients such as Aveeno®, Lubriderm®, Udder Cream®, and Bag Balm® provide excellent moisturizing to your hands and feet.

How to avoid hand-foot syndrome?

Preventing hand-foot syndrome

  1. Avoid prolonged heat exposure on hands and feet.
  2. Keep the pressure off hands and feet.
  3. Take a break from exercise and stay off your feet — no running, aerobics, or jumping while taking medications that can cause hand-foot syndrome.

Who should take Xeloda?

Uses: Xeloda often is used in combination with other anticancer medicines. Typically it’s used to treat metastatic breast cancer that has stopped responding to Taxol, Taxotere, and Adriamycin.

How long can someone take Xeloda?

Your Xeloda therapy is made up of a series of treatment cycles which usually lasts for 21 days. Your doctor will advise you how many cycles of treatment you will have and whether there are any rest days in the cycle.

How does Xeloda make you feel?

You are at higher risk if you have kidney problems before taking XELODA and also take other medicines that can cause kidney problems. Nausea, and vomiting are common with XELODA. If you lose your appetite, feel weak, and have nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, you can quickly become dehydrated.

Will I lose my hair on Xeloda?

Hair loss. When used on its own, capecitabine occasionally causes some temporary hair thinning. It very rarely causes complete hair loss. If capecitabine is taken in combination with another chemotherapy drug, most people will lose all their hair including eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair.

Is Vaseline good for Hand and Foot Syndrome?

Some patients will find relief using these products: Udderly Smooth® or Udder Cream® Bag Balm® or petroleum jelly (apply at bedtime, use with cotton socks and/or gloves)

What is Grierson Gopalan syndrome?

Burning feet syndrome, also known as Grierson-Gopalan syndrome, is a set of symptoms in which the feet often become uncomfortably hot and painful. The burning sensation may become more intense at night, with some relief occurring during the day. Symptoms may range from mild to severe.

Is Vaseline good for Hand and Foot syndrome?

Does Vaseline help hand-foot and mouth?

There is no medication or antibiotic that will cure HFMD. However you can try these home remedies to help with your child’s discomfort: Ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve discomfort. Topical ointments, such as zinc oxide or petroleum jelly, to protect and heal blisters.

Which is better for hand foot, mapisal or Urea cream?

Urea Cream Prevents Hand-Foot Syndrome Better Than New Mapisal Ointment. A study has found that a 10% urea cream helps prevent hand-foot syndrome better than a new antioxidant ointment called Mapisal in people who’ve been treated with the chemotherapy medicine Xeloda (chemical name: capecitabine).

How is mapisal used to treat hand foot syndrome?

Mapisal is a medical ointment developed by the German pharmaceutical company Medac. Mapisal contains a number of antioxidants and oil extracts. Because hand-foot syndrome seems to be caused by free radicals, it makes sense that an antioxidant ointment might help prevent the syndrome.

Which is better for Xeloda 10% or mapisal?

The results of this study strongly suggest that 10% urea cream is better than Mapisal at preventing hand-foot syndrome during the first 6 weeks of Xeloda treatment. This is good news because 10% urea cream doesn’t require a prescription and can be purchased over-the-counter. Right now, Mapisal appears to be available only in Germany.

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