Is there a ultimate XLR8?

Is there a ultimate XLR8?

Ultimate XLR8 is the Ultimatrix’s evolved form of XLR8. He is an evolved Kineceleran from the planet Kinet. He is a free use ultimate alien.

How powerful is XLR8?

Powers. XLR8 has the ability to manipulate friction to reach speeds of 300 mph in an instant, and the same power allows him to climb up walls and run on water with relative ease. Using his speed, XLR8 can perform a number of unique feats.

Who is faster XLR8 or Rush?

Powers and Abilities Being part-Kineceleran, Rush shares the same abilities as XLR8, such as enhanced speed, agility and reflexes. However, based on Kevin’s alterations to the Antitrix, Rush is most likely faster, and much more powerful, than XLR8.

Is XLR8 faster than fasttrack?

Mach 12, 9207.23 miles per hour. This is not only 11 times faster than XLR8 in the classic series, because he could only reach Mach 1, but it could mean that Fasttrack can get much faster as time goes on. It also shows just how strong he is, as he survived the forces of a fall with a speed of 7,500 miles per hours.

What happened to XLR8?

Lastly, Ken as XLR8 was defeated by Kevin 11,000.

How fast is ben10 XLR8?

The fastest alien of them all! XLR8-ing at crazy high speeds of 500+ mph, this alien can react in seconds to save the day. His attacks are extremely effective and his high-speed travel is almost as fast as his thoughts!.

What race is XLR8?

Species Kineceleran
Home World Kinet
Body Velociraptor
Powers and Abilities

What species is overflow?

Overflow is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Cascan from the planet Cascareau in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Is Sonic faster than XLR8?

It’s been a while since I’ve last watched Ben 10, but IIRC, XLR8 is only Mach 0.65 whereas Sonic is Mach 1, so he should take both rounds handily due to the speed advantage. Sonic toasts Ben both rounds (Since XLR8 is just one of Ben’s forms). He’s much faster, stronger and tougher than Ben is.

What kind of alien is XLR8 in Ben 10?

XLR8 is Ben’s first speed alien, fourth alien overall, fourth alien in Ben 10, fourtieth alien in Ultimate Alien, and seventeenth alien in Omniverse. Ben 10: Blue velociraptor with a long, black-and-blue striped tail. Has clawed hands and wheels on his feet. Has green eyes.

How are XLR8 claws used in Ben 10?

XLR8’s claws can be used in a similar fashion to scissors. XLR8 has enhanced strength, enough to carry a multitude of people across a lake. According to the pop-up edition of Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10: Part 1, XLR8 can recover from injuries faster than other species.

What kind of clothes does XLR8 wear in Ben 10?

XLR8 has five blue stripes on his tail and wears black pants and a turtleneck-like shirt with a white stripe on the center. In Back with a Vengeance, XLR8 wore a yellow raincoat.

Which is faster Kineceleran XLR8 or Ben 10, 000?

Kinecelerans seem to become faster as they grow older, seeing how XLR8 was capable of travelling globally in just a few seconds when used by Ben 10,000. Basically, XLR8 can run so fast to the point where he cannot be seen until a camera’s slow-motion is used.

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