What is a word for a sad person?

What is a word for a sad person?

1 unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy. See synonyms for sad on Thesaurus.com.

What words can replace sad?


  • dismal,
  • drear,
  • dreary,
  • heartbreaking,
  • heartrending,
  • melancholy,
  • mournful,
  • What’s a word for deep sadness?

    Melancholy is beyond sad: as a noun or an adjective, it’s a word for the gloomiest of spirits. Being melancholy means that you’re overcome in sorrow, wrapped up in sorrowful thoughts. The word started off as a noun for deep sadness, from a rather disgusting source.

    What are 5 synonyms sad?

    synonyms for sad

    • bitter.
    • dismal.
    • heartbroken.
    • melancholy.
    • mournful.
    • pessimistic.
    • somber.
    • sorrowful.

    How do you express sad feelings in words?

    2. Sadness

    1. lonely.
    2. heartbroken.
    3. gloomy.
    4. disappointed.
    5. hopeless.
    6. grieved.
    7. unhappy.
    8. lost.

    How do you express sad emotions?

    Here are a few ways to express your sadness:

    1. Let it out: vocalize your feelings (cry, yell, scream, etc.)
    2. Get creative: draw, paint or sculpt.
    3. Let loose: listen to music that reflects your sadness and dance to it.
    4. Put it in writing: write about your feelings in a journal or keep a sadness diary.

    How do you express extreme sadness?

    The idiom ‘one’s heart sinks’ is used to express a sudden feeling of unhappiness. However, ‘broken-hearted’ describes a strong feeling of sadness. ‘A heavy heart’ is an idiom that describes being weighed down by a feeling of sadness.

    What is the idiom of feel sad?

    How do you express sad in text?

    Some good texts to send could be:

    1. “I’ve felt really sad and left out when I’m not invited out with everyone else.”
    2. “I put in a lot of effort at work, and I’m upset that I wasn’t considered for the promotion.”
    3. “I feel depressed because I feel like my opinions aren’t considered.”

    What is the idioms of feel sad?

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