Can Irish Travellers marry non Travellers?

Can Irish Travellers marry non Travellers?

“And to marry a non-Traveller depends on what family you have. Some families accept non-Travellers but others are very strict. “Usually the Irish girls will know the boy for a short time, say around six months to a year, and then marry but the English might have boyfriends for many years.

What is the difference between an Irish Traveller and a Romany gypsy?

Irish Travellers share some of the same cultural values as Romany Gypsies, such as a preference for self-employment, but there are also big differences – for example most Irish Travellers are Catholic whereas Romany Gypsies are Church of England, says Joseph G Jones from the Gypsy Council.

Do Traveller girls drink?

Traditionally, girls are not allowed to drink until marriage and this was still reported to be the case despite a few exceptions where Traveller girls had mixed with boys outside their community: But the girls are never late home or anything, until they’re married.

What age do Travellers get married at?

18 years of age
Couples of the same sex or opposite sexes can marry in Ireland. The minimum age for getting married in Ireland is 18 years of age. If you are ordinarily resident in Ireland and you wish to get married abroad, you must be aged at least 18.

Where do Travellers empty their toilets?

“A traveller would never use the toilet where they live. That’s unhygienic.” Instead, the loo is in a nearby neat brick outhouse, and they use a washing machine and oven in a caravan parked outside.

At what age do Travellers get married?

Traveler men are usually over twenty-one years of age when they marry, but their brides may be as young as twelve with the average being between fifteen and eighteen. An exchange of money, up to $200,000 in cash for the young man, is not uncommon among the more affluent Traveler families.

What kind of religion are the Irish Travellers?

Religiously, the majority of Irish Travellers are Catholic, the predominant religion in the Republic of Ireland. They are one of several groups identified as ” Travellers .” Although they are often incorrectly referred to by the racial slur ” Gypsies “, Irish Travellers are not genetically related to the Romani.

What was life like for the travellers in Ireland?

An ethnic minority in Ireland, the Travellers have lived on the margins of mainstream Irish society for centuries. Efforts have been made to incorporate the nomadic group into mainstream culture by settling them into government housing and enforcing school attendance. But even living among “settled people,” they face ongoing discrimination.

How are the Irish Travellers related to the Celts?

One idea is of their being distantly related to a Celtic group that invaded Ireland. Another theory is of a pre-Gaelic origin, where Travellers are descended from a community that lived in Ireland before the arrival of the Celts. Once Ireland was claimed as Celtic, this group was seen as lower class.

How many Irish Travellers are there in the world?

In 2017 a further genetic study using profiles of 50 Irish Travellers, 143 European Roma, 2232 settled Irish, 2039 British and 6255 European or worldwide individuals confirmed ancestral origin within the general Irish population.

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