Does Ismene help Antigone bury?

Does Ismene help Antigone bury?

What has Antigone asked her sister to help her do? Antigone asks Ismene for help burying the body of their dead and banished brother Polynieces, whose body was not to be buried as instructed by Creon.

What does Ismene say to Antigone?

Anyone who dares to bury Polyneices’ body will be stoned to death. Antigone tells Ismene she will bury the body at all costs and wants her help. Ismene thinks Antigone is crazy and reminds her sister of their uncle’s orders.

Does Ismene bury Polynices?

Antigone rejects her, saying that she does not deserve to die with her. Ismene swears she will bury Polynices herself then.

Why does Ismene not bury her brother along with Antigone?

Antigone is the one that stays with Oedipus when he is banished, a blind man, from Thebes. Ismene- She is the youngest daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. She warns Antigone that trying to give their brother a proper burial would surely lead to her death and declares that she wants nothing to do with the whole idea.

How does Ismene act as a foil to Antigone?

In a sense, Antigone and Ismene are foils. While Antigone demonstrates power and control over her own fate, Ismene shows weakness and the inability to take her life into her own hands. Ismene, unlike her sister, constantly gives in to the stronger wills around her.

What does Ismene try to convince Antigone to do?

What does Ismene try to convince Antigone to do? In the most basic sense, Antigone is the more strong-willed of the two sisters, while Ismene is compliant. Antigone is willing to defy Creon’s decree at any cost, including death, while Ismene tries to persuade her sister to obey the law, and thus King Creon himself.

What does Ismene say?

When Antigone asks Ismene whether–she will join her in burying Polyneices– what does Ismene say? She says that Antigone is crazy and the law forbids it.

Who is Ismene married to?


Parents Asopus
Husband Argus
Home Thebes in Boeotia

Why is Antigone angry with Ismene?

Why is Antigone angry with Ismene? Ismene wants to share in Antigone’s guilt and punishment for burying Polynices, yet she had refused to help her sister bury their brother.

How do Antigone and Ismene differ?

The main difference between Antigone ‘s and Ismene ‘s personalities is that Antigone is bold, independent, and according to Ismene, “fiery” (Sophocles 689), while Ismene is timid and submissive. Ismene can be considered submissive because she complied with the civil laws.

What do Ismene’s words reveal about her character?

What does Ismene’s choice of words, “meddle” reveal about her views of her own role and ability to fight against Creon? She does not think that she has the ability to go up against Creon.

Why did Ismene refuse to help Antigone bury Polynices?

Ismene has just told Antigone that she must refuse Antigone’s request to help bury their brother because she must obey Creon. She considers it “madness” to break his martial law and bury Polynices. In answer, Antigone withdraws her request of Ismene to help her. She will bury her brother’s corpse alone.

What does Antigone say to her sister Ismene?

I will lie with the one I love and loved by him—an outrage sacred to the gods! Antigone speaks to her sister, Ismene, early in Antigone. Ismene has just told Antigone that she must refuse Antigone’s request to help bury their brother because she must obey Creon. She considers it “madness” to break his martial law and bury Polynices.

What did Antigone say about having no funeral or lament?

Quotes – ANTIGONE “He’s to have no funeral or lament, but to be left unburied and unwept, a sweet treasure for the birds to look at, for them to feed on to their heart’s content.” (Sophocles 34-37).

What does Antigone say about divine law and human law?

She confessed that it was her and is explaining why she disobeyed Creon.Significance: This quote represents the theme of divine law vs human law. Antigone is saying that if it was a God that ordered her not to bury him, than she wouldn’t have done it.

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