How can I do Mission 15 in IGI 2?

How can I do Mission 15 in IGI 2?


  1. Get down the hill without being detected by the minimi guard.
  2. Take shelter and under the first tree and with laser tag the first SAM without any detection.
  3. After the explosion, climb the hill behind Jones and proceed to the lake.

How can I complete all missions in IGI 2?

Unlock All Missions Hold CTRL+SHIFT+F9 while on the main menu, and start your game as you continue to hold them. Only the CTRL and SHIFT keys on the left side of the keyboard will work.

How many levels does IGI 2 have?

19 missions
There are in all 19 missions in the game and the story in the Project IGI 2 Covert Strike PC game is presented via in-game movies. You have to step into the shoes of David Jones and make sure that you complete all objectives before accomplishing a mission.

How many levels are there in IGI?

Project IGI is a first person shooter with 14 very challenging missions all set in europe. The gameplay is fantastic and never boring. The graphics and sound are fantastic.

What is the use of laser designator in IGI 2?

The Laser Designator given to Jones by IGI under the command of Anya, allows him to designate and pinpoint ground targets for air-strikes.

How can I complete IGI 2 mission 3?


  1. Pick up laser cutter from air drop.
  2. Steal papers from the safe.
  3. Disable the security system and override the airlock to get access to lab.
  4. Steal prototype EMP chip from the lab.
  5. Raise the weather balloon and await evacuation.

How can I beat level 13 in IGI 2?

Crawl through the gap in the wall you have just made and observe the enemy troops around the warehouse. Lie flat and shoot the two on the first floor walkway, then kill the guards on the ground. If you lie flat in the shadows and take good aim you can kill all these guards undetected.

Which is the Best Project IGI 2 game?

Project IGI 2: Covert Strike is an outstanding video game that offers the best experience to the players. The list of features that the game provides is enormous. The game provides the best experience is one of the best stress buster techniques. So, what are you waiting for? Start playing this interesting video game and enjoy your day.

Is there a multiplayer mode for IGI 2?

Of course being what you might call a sneak ’em up, there are many places to hide – too many in fact, making IGI 2 a pretty dull multiplayer game for action fans. The multiplayer mode closely mirrors the Counter-Strike template, with two sides either defending or attacking a series of mission objectives.

What are the outdoor settings for IGI 2?

IGI 2 doesn’t do indoors well, but its outdoor settings are well suited to online play, with hilltop bases overlooking deep river valleys. It looks wonderful.

Is it possible to play Project IGI 2 Covert Strike?

The game requires a lot of attention of players while playing the game as, without the concentration level, it is not possible to master the video game. In addition to this, the Project IGI 2: Covert Strike video game provides very interesting features to the players while playing the video game.

What is laser designator in IGI 2?

How do I complete Mission 10 in igi2?


  1. Lie flat on the ground and shoot the 3 guards ouside the villa.
  2. Kill the sniper on top of the highest building.
  3. Similarly kill all the guards you can see from the mountain.
  4. Now come near the villa and pick up Uzi of the 3 guards you killed in the beginning.

How can I beat level 14 in IGI 2?

Kill the first guard without being seen. Kill all the guards who come out, with headshots and cover the alarm in front of you at any cost. Keep low behind the crates and carefully check the passages to the sides as you move down the corridor. When it’s all clear hack the transmitter to complete the mission.

Has IGI 3 been released?

Project IGI 3 Release Date It will be released on December 2021 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X.

What is the cheat code of IGI 2?

Project IGI 2 Covert Strike Cheats

Effect Effect
feedme Clear All Enemies
GETALLIWANT Clear All Levels
ALLGOD God mode
EASY Lower Difficulty

How does a laser designator work?

A laser designator is a laser light source which is used to designate a target. These signals bounce off the target into the sky, where they are detected by the seeker on the laser-guided munition, which steers itself towards the centre of the reflected signal.

How do you plant the bomb in IGI 2 mission 4?

“Leave the building and go left towards the SAM launcher. Use your AK47 to kill the two enemies, then walk up to the SAM launcher and plant the C4 with the “Activate” key. Back to the other SAM launcher and plant C4 on it.

What is the full name of IGI?


Definition : International Genealogical Index
Category : Society & Culture » Religion & Spirituality
Country/ Region : Worldwide
Popularity :

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