What are the fairy chimneys made of?

What are the fairy chimneys made of?

The chimneys are a result of a geologic process that began millions of years ago, when volcanic eruptions rained ash across what would eventually become Turkey. That ash hardened into tuff, a porous rock, which was covered by a layer of basalt.

What makes fairy chimneys unique?

Geological Uniqueness The fairy chimneys of Cappadocia are the result of thousands of years of natural weathering. Millions of years ago, massive volcanoes erupted in the region, depositing huge volumes of ash, covering the entire landscape for thousands of miles, a place that would become future Turkey.

How old is the fairy chimneys?

Some of these underground structures date at least 1500 years old.

What are fairy chimneys famous?

Fairy Chimneys are the world famous formations of Cappadocia. The outstanding landscape, natural beauties, rock-cut houses, caves, the picturesque valleys, scenic lunar hills and many more popular spots of Cappadocia are full of these unusual and amazing formations.

How big are the fairy chimneys?

Fairy chimneys, also known as hoodoos or tent rocks, are spooky looking spires of rock that range from the height of an average person to over 40 meters.

Do people live in fairy chimneys?

Beneath Cappadocia’s rock formations is a network of subterranean cities, which housed up to 10,000 people each. The largest discovered are almost 10 levels deep, with narrow passages connecting the floors like hamster tunnels.

When were the fairy chimneys found?

In February 2016, Cocofloss explored the fairy chimneys in Cappadocia, Turkey. Fairy Chimneys are natural rock formations, the result of intense volcanic activity, found near the town of Goreme in Central Turkey.

Do people live in the fairy chimneys?

Beneath Cappadocia’s rock formations is a network of subterranean cities, which housed up to 10,000 people each.

How wide are the fairy chimneys?

Diameter of fairy chimneys are from 1 meter up to 15 meters. Those that are out of this interval are not considered as faiy chimneys. It’s like a miracle presented by nature that gray and white fairy chimneys are standing upright despite their million years of age.

What was the composition of the fairy chimneys?

During the eruption, the ash that filled the skies eventually settled on the ground, solidifying into the fairy chimneys we see today. The composition is referred to as “tuff”, and the initial base of this, combined with erosion from harder materials, helped to shape the unusual structures.

Where are the fairy chimneys in central Turkey?

Cappadocia, a semi-arid region in central Turkey, is known for its distinctive “fairy chimneys,” tall, cone-shaped rock formations clustered in Monks Valley, Göreme and elsewhere.

Why are the chimneys in Cappadocia decreasing resistence?

Even though it is considered to be formed again in the future again,changes in the nature and corrosive factors are the reason of decreasing the resistence of chimneys. Where’s the fairy chimneys in Cappadocia?

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