What is the axillary?

What is the axillary?

The axilla is an anatomical region under the shoulder joint where the arm connects to the shoulder. It contains a variety of neurovascular structures, including the axillary artery, axillary vein, brachial plexus, and lymph nodes. The axillary artery is also a major blood supplier to the shoulder and upper arm.

What does axillary cavity mean in anatomy?

The axilla (also, armpit, underarm or oxter) is the area on the human body directly under the joint where the arm connects to the shoulder.

What is the function of the axillary?

Important for function of the shoulder and upper arm The axillary nerve’s primary purpose is to supply nerve function to the shoulder joint and three muscles in the arm, but it also innervates some skin in that region, as well.

What is a common name for the axillary region?

The axillary region (also known as the arm pit) is a pyramid-shaped area located between the shoulder girdle and thorax. It serves as a space for neurovascular and lymphatic structures to travel through to reach the upper extremity from the neck.

What is axillary pain?

There are many possible causes of armpit or underarm pain (referred to medically as axillary pain) that can range from mostly a nuisance to serious. Irritation from deodorant, infections in the sweat glands, injuries, nerve compression, or even cancer are only a few of the possibilities.

Is axillary anterior or posterior?

The axillary apex is the interval between the superior border of the scapula, the posterior border of the clavicle, and the external border of the first rib. The pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi form the major anterior and posterior folds, respectively, of the axilla.

What is axillary nerve damage?

Axillary nerve dysfunction is nerve damage that can lead to a loss of movement or sensation in the shoulder. Conditions associated with axillary nerve dysfunction include fracture of the humerus (upper arm bone), pressure from casts or splints, and improper use of crutches.

Where are the axillary nodes?

The subscapular axillary lymph nodes are located on the lower part of the armpit’s posterior (rear) wall. The apical and pectoral nodes are located respectively on the upper and lower parts of the pectoralis minor, a thin, flat muscle of the chest.

Where is anterior axillary line?

The anterior axillary line is a coronal line on the anterior torso marked by the anterior axillary fold. It’s the imaginary line that runs down from the point midway between the middle of the clavicle and the lateral end of the clavicle.

What are the axillary lymph nodes?

The axillary lymph nodes, also known commonly as axillary nodes, are a group of lymph nodes in the axilla and receive lymph from vessels that drain the arm, the walls of the thorax, the breast and the upper walls of the abdomen.

What muscles border the axilla?

Bordered by the serratus anterior and the thoracic wall medially, a part of the humerus laterally, the pectoralis muscles anteriorly, together with the latissimus dorsi, but not only, posteriorly, the axilla is an important region, both in terms of neurovasculature and clinical relevance.

What is the medical definition of an axilla?

Medical Definition of axillary : of, relating to, or located near the axilla axillary lymph nodes axillary temperature

Which is the best definition of the term compartmentalization?

1. compartmentalization- a mild state of dissociation compartmentalisation disassociation, dissociation- a state in which some integrated part of a person’s life becomes separated from the rest of the personality and functions independently 2. compartmentalization- the act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type

What is the meaning of the axillary in birds?

: one of the feathers arising from the axilla and closing the space between the flight feathers and body of a flying bird.

Where is the axillary node in the armpit?

of or pertaining to the armpit. axillary lymph node. buried deeply between the shoulder muscles and the chest wall; palpable in the living animal only when significantly enlarged and hard.

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