Why are all of the chapters in Esperanza Rising named after fruits and vegetables?

Why are all of the chapters in Esperanza Rising named after fruits and vegetables?

As I went through and began naming the chapters, the harvests began to take on the feel of metaphors. For example, the smashed figs for her smashed life and the resentment she felt. Their lives were dictated by the rhythm of the harvest seasons, so in a way, the story lent itself to this organization.

What is Chapter 6 about in Esperanza Rising?

Esperanza promptly wanders away from everyone else. She stops on an overlook, and wonders if she can hear the heartbeat of the valley, the way she could at home. Esperanza lies down on the land, but she can’t hear the earth’s heartbeat. She loses her patience and begins to cry.

What happened in chapter 4 of Esperanza Rising?

Esperanza is unhappy with the idea of being uncomfortable, but reluctantly scoots into the wagon with her mother and Hortensia. Guavas are packed in after them to hide their presence further. She is told that danger of the bandits is great and women cannot safely travel at night in Mexico.

Where does Esperanza live in Chapter 6?

Chapter 6: Las Cebollas (Onions) Alfonso has told the landowners that Esperanza and her mother are his cousins, so they will live as a family in one cabin. Esperanza complains that they are living like horses, but her mother tells Esperanza to be grateful for what they have.

Did Miguel and Esperanza get married?

Eventually, though, Esperanza realized that she and Miguel could never get married, because she was the daughter of the ranch owner, and he was the son of a housekeeper. See, here’s the deal: Esperanza imagines that there is a river separating her from Miguel.

What is Chapter 7 about in Esperanza Rising?

Chapter 7 Summary. The group eats together after their first long day of work, and then Alfonso and Miguel announce a surprise. They take everyone outside behind the cabin where they have planted a few tiny rose bushes near a plastic statue of Our Lady of the Guadalupe.

What is Chapter 8 about in Esperanza Rising?

Chapter 8 Summary. Esperanza spends her first day alone with the two babies. At first, she is proud of herself and that she is at least contributing in some way. However, she gives the babies raw plums that make them sick.

What happens in chapter 10 of Esperanza Rising?

Hortensia shows Esperanza how to make a salve from avocados to help heal her hands from all the hard work of cutting potatoes in the cold. It helps some, but she realizes her hands will never again be those of a rich matron of a successful ranch.

Who is the son of Alfonso and Hortensia?

Miguel – Miguel is the son of Alfonso and Hortensia, who work for Esperanza’s family. Esperanza and Miguel grow up together at the ranch. Miguel believes that living in the United States, even as a poor farmer, is better than living in Mexico because he has the opportunity to advance.

Who killed Esperanza’s father?

One day, a disaster happened. Esperanza’s father was killed by bandits on the way home from work. Her dad was the money maker in the family, and without him, the family was helplss.

Why does Esperanza like Ruthie?

Summary: “Edna’s Ruthie” Ruthie is the grown-up daughter of Edna, a mean and exploitative landlord who owns the apartment building next door to Esperanza’s house. She likes to play with the children because she has never grown up enough to handle the adult world.

Are there any chapter summaries for Esperanza Rising?

These Esperanza Rising chapter summaries, while useful for review, are not a substitute for reading the novel. Esperanza notices the toll of cold and work on her hands. The next time Esperanza visits her mother, the doctor informs her that Mama now has pneumonia.

What does Esperanza do on the eve of her birthday?

On the eve of her birthday she sits waiting in the rose garden for her Papa to come home. She picks a rose and pricks her thumb with a thorn. The blood does not stop and her first assumption is this is a sign of bad luck.

What happens to Esperanza’s father in the dream?

Papa’s body is in the back of the wagon. He has been murdered. Esperanza wakes from a dream thinking her father and others are outside her window serenading her because today is her thirteenth birthday. Mr. Rodriguez, their neighbor and family friend, has brought the basket of papayas for the birthday feast which will no longer happen.

How did Esperanza and her family escape Aguascalientes?

Under cover of night, Esperanza and her family walk to Mr. Rodriguez’s neighboring ranch. They escape from Aguascalientes in the back of a wagon covered with guavas. Esperanza remembers escaping bandits when she was younger, how Miguel saved their lives, and how Papa had rewarded them with a train ride.


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