How do you use Grim in a sentence?

How do you use Grim in a sentence?

Grim sentence example

  1. Brady and Elise exchanged a grim look.
  2. His mouth was grim when he spoke.
  3. If she lived, Hilden wouldn’t look as grim as he did.
  4. It was a grim lot that gathered for supper that night outside the ring of firelight.

What is grim sentence?

1 : fierce in disposition or action : savage grim wolves. 2a : stern or forbidding in action or appearance a grim taskmaster. b : somber, gloomy grim news of the disaster. 3 : ghastly, repellent, or sinister in character a grim tale. 4 : unflinching, unyielding grim determination.

What is an example of grim?

The definition of grim is something that is so unpleasant it pushes you away. An example of grim is the scene of a violent crime. Grim is defined as stern or unmoving. An example of grim is a principal’s face when speaking to badly behaved students.

What is a grim and what is it used for?

The GRIM is one of the two generally accepted methods for the analysis and comparison of forensic glass samples (the other being trace element analysis). GRIM uses temperature variation to measure the refractive index of glass (or other materials) to a precision of ~0.00003.

What is a grim person?

having a harsh, surly, forbidding, or morbid air: a grim man but a just one; a grim countenance. fierce, savage, or cruel: War is a grim business.

What is grim expression?

very serious and unfriendly. His face was set in a grim expression. Synonyms and related words.

How do you use incredulous in a sentence?

Jack’s sister was incredulous that he had gotten away with his misbehavior. The children were incredulous when their parents brought home a puppy. She used an incredulous tone with me once I told her I wanted a homebirth. They have good reason to be incredulous .

How does a grim work?

The Glass Refractive Index Measure System (GRIM) uses monochromatic light and temperature to graphically plot the refractive index of glass. The glass refractive index values can be compared to a known comparison glass sample to determine if the glasses could have come from the same source.

What Grimm means?

The real-life German brothers wrote some bone-chilling tales under their own name, Grimm, meaning “cruel, fierce,” which is related to the English word grim. Modern grim things include crime-drama images of dead bodies and characters in horror movies.

Can people be grim?

Is Grim a mood?

A situation or piece of information that is grim is unpleasant, depressing, and difficult to accept.

Does grim mean sad?

worried and serious or sad: Her face was grim as she told them the bad news.

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