What nationality is the name bozich?

What nationality is the name bozich?

Early Origins of the Bozich family The surname Bozich was first found in Wurtemberg, where the name Botzin was closely identified in early mediaeval times with the feudal society of early European history.

What does Bozik mean?

Czech (Božík): from a short form of the personal names Bohuslav or Bohumil, both formed with Slavic Bog ‘God’.

What does surname Bozic mean?

gift from God
Croatian and Serbian (Božic): patronymic from Božo, short form of the personal name Božidar, meaning ‘gift from God’.


Where did the family name originate from?

Examples of surnames are documented in the 11th century by the barons in England. Surnames began as a way of identifying a certain aspect of that individual, such as by trade, father’s name, location of birth, or physical features. It was not until the 15th century that surnames were used to denote inheritance.

What ethnicity is the last name Motley?

The Motley ancient family history was found in the irishsurnames.com archives. Motley is a locality name meaning ‘of Motley’, from a place found in County Lincolnshire. This name is of English descent and is found in many ancient manuscripts in that country.

Where did the Hinderer family come from?

South German: topographic name for someone who lived at the back of a village, or behind some prominent natural feature such as a mountain.

What does Bozic mean in Croatian?

Where is the name Motley from?

The Motley surname comes from when the Motley family lived in the settlement of Medlicott in the English border county of Shropshire. The surname Motley belongs to the category of habitation names, which are derived from pre-existing names for towns, villages, parishes, or farmsteads.

What does the name Motley?

English: probably a nickname for someone who wore parti-colored clothes, from Middle English motteley ‘motley’.

What does Bosic mean?

Slovenian (Božic) and Croatian (Božic): nickname for someone born between Christmas Day and Epiphany, or for someone who had some particular connection with the Christmas season, from božic ‘Christmas’, from a diminutive of Bog (in the sense ‘son of God’). …

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