What items counters Kassadin?
Zed, Fizz, Jayce, Pantheon, and Riven are lane counters to Kassadin. Fiddle support or jungle is a great general counter. Mid/late game physical damage assassins that can 100-0 or chase Kassadin do very well.
Does Viktor counter Kassadin?
Viktor has to counter Kassadin in only 1.9% of his games. Viktor does a ok job of countering Kassadin. Normally, he wins a acceptable 49.9% of matches the champs oppose one another in.
Who is Kassadin good into?
Kassadin wins more against
Name | Winrate |
Tryndamere Mid | +6.8% |
Veigar Mid | +6.2% |
Irelia Mid | +5.9% |
Ryze Mid | +5.0% |
How do you beat Kassadin as Viktor?
To have the highest probability of coming out on top against Viktor as Kassadin, you should use the Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter, Bone Plating, and Overgrowth runes from the Domination and Resolve rune sets.
Can sylas steal Kassadin ULT?
If Sylas steals Kog’Maw or Kassadin’s ult he only gets one use of the ability.
Does sylas beat Kassadin?
In our database, Sylas did battle with Kassadin in 6287 matches. Unfortunately, Sylas has done a poor job of countering Kassadin. Normally, he wins a acceptable 48.5% of the time the champions oppose one another in. In Sylas against Kassadin matches, Sylas’s team is 0.1% more probable to obtain first blood.
How to counter kassadin in League of Legends?
Kassadin gets completely countered by AD damage early game due to him being melee and having a passive only strong against AP. 655 Try to disable (stun/snare/knock-up) him if he uses his Riftwalk aggressively. 566
Which is the best way to start kassadin?
Best option is to start LONGSWORD+3POTS or DSWORD+1POT and going for CONQUEROR+BONEPLATING + X2 MR IN STATS , rushing BOTRK is the best option so far, once you have BOTRK CLOSED you can easily win 1v1’s into Kassadin.
Which is a better counter to Taliyah or kassadin?
Kassadin is a good counter to Taliyah because if he does not have cooldown on teleport he can easily follow you bot so try to roam only when you know his teleport is not up. Kassadin usefulness starts only at about level 11 and two items, so try to abuse early as much as you can and perhaps tell your team that too.
How to counter Kass in the late game?
But even in the late game, Kass is countered by hard cc. Kassadin’s tankiness comes from healing when he does damage to champions. CC and burst him early to win the fight. Kassadin is extremely mobile after he has his ult and has stacked mana items. Counter Kass when he roams by quickly shoving waves or taking a different objective.