Is World of Tanks EU down?

Is World of Tanks EU down? is UP and reachable by us. The above graph displays service status activity for over the last 10 automatic checks.

How do you find clan wars?

If you are in a clan, you can access clan wars at any time via the clan wars button on left bottom corner on your screen (the button with two swords crossed). From here, new clan wars can be started by clan leaders and co-leaders, and you can participate in or spectate any clan wars that are in progress.

How many clans are there in World of Tanks?

The Global Map has a substantial capacity restriction: There are about 1,800 provinces available, while the RU realm alone has over 130,000 total clans.

How do I leave my clan WoT?

After you reach the clan profile page, go over to your screen’s left side and look for a bar with horizontal bars. Click on it, and you’ll open up an expanded menu, with the ‘leave clan’ option right at the bottom.

What are WoT clan wars?

Clan Wars is the “endgame” of World of Tanks and it is where thousands of clans battle it out to determine who controls territory on the global clan wars map. This clan wars strategy guide page hosts all sections here on WoT Guru that help you and your clan prepare for clan wars or improve upon clan wars.

Why can’t I connect to World of Tanks?

Turn off your computer. Leave them all off for 30-40 seconds. Turn them all back on and give them a few minutes to initialize and pull down some new addresses. Now try running World of Tanks again.

How do I join a clan war?

To participate in a Clan War, tap the”Clan Wars” button in your profile to turn it green. This indicates to the Clan Leader and Co-Leaders that you are available for Wars. However, the Leader who initiates the war has to choose you into the war before you can participate, whether your button is green or red.

How do I leave a clan in World of Tanks 2021?

How do I leave a clan in PUBG?

Steps to leave a clan in PUBG

  1. Click on the clan menu.
  2. Click on the member option.
  3. Click on the broken shield that will be located next to the clan name.
  4. Click on the gear icon if you are the clan leader.
  5. Then confirm the exit on the pop-up screen.

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