Can you reach the pituitary gland through the nose?

Can you reach the pituitary gland through the nose?

In the case of pituitary tumors, some grow down into the sphenoid sinus, which is part of the nasal cavity. A neurosurgeon can, therefore, access and remove these tumors by operating through either the top of the skull, or through the nose.

How is surgery performed on the pituitary gland?

Endoscopic surgery is performed through the nose to remove tumors from the pituitary gland and skull base. In this minimally invasive surgery, the surgeon works through the nostrils with a tiny endoscope camera and light to remove tumors with long instruments.

How long is pituitary surgery recovery?

It can take up to 6 weeks to fully recover. The cuts the doctor made (incisions) may be sore for about 5 days after surgery. You may also have numbness and shooting pains near your wound, or swelling and bruising around your eyes. As your wound starts to heal, it may start to itch.

What are the complications of transsphenoidal surgery?

Risks and complications that may occur with this type of surgery also include:

  • CSF rhinorrhea. CSF, or cerebrospinal fluid, is the fluid that surrounds the brain, and it may leak from the nose after surgery.
  • Meningitis.
  • Damage to normal parts of the pituitary gland.
  • Diabetes insipidus.
  • Severe bleeding.
  • Visual problems.

What is a Macroadenoma?

A macroadenoma is a tumor that typically develops in the pituitary gland, a pea-sized organ behind the eyes. They are almost always noncancerous.

Can you remove a brain tumor through the nose?

What is endoscopic endonasal surgery? Endoscopic endonasal surgery is a minimally invasive technique that allows a surgeon to go through the nose to operate on areas at the front of the brain and the top of the spine.

Can you live without the pituitary gland?

The pituitary gland is called the master gland of the endocrine system. This is because it controls many other hormone glands in the body. According to The Pituitary Foundation, without it, the body wouldn’t reproduce, wouldn’t grow properly and many other bodily functions just wouldn’t function.

Can you do brain surgery through the nose?

What is endoscopic endonasal surgery? Endoscopic endonasal surgery is a minimally invasive technique that allows a surgeon to go through the nose to operate on areas at the front of the brain and the top of the spine. A thin tube called an endoscope is thread through your nose and sinuses.

Can you survive without a pituitary gland?

When to use CPAP after transnasal pituitary surgery?

Obstructive sleep apnea: use of CPAP (the immediate use of CPAP after surgery is contraindicated secondary to potential pneumocephalus from nasal passageway). Patients must wait for at least one month following surgery. Review of pre-op imaging (CT and or MRI) is important.

When to stop blowing your nose after pituitary surgery?

You must avoid blowing your nose for two weeks after surgery. This is to avoid putting pressure directly on the healing operation site. Avoid sneezing if possible, but if in the event you have to sneeze, try and do this through your open mouth with your nose uncovered.

Most operations on the pituitary gland are performed through your nasal cavity (nostril); this is called trans-sphenoidal surgery. ‘Trans’ means across and ‘sphenoid’ is the air cavity leading to the pituitary gland. Trans-sphenoidal surgery is traditionally performed using an operating microscope.

How is the transnasal approach to the pituitary performed?

Transnasal Transsphenoidal Approach to Pituitary. Using tonsil needle (rigid long needle bent at 45 degree angle), inject the anterior face of the middle turbinate as well as the axilla of the middle turbinate. The axillary injection is best performed by placing the needle submucosal anterior to the axilla and sliding it forwards while injecting.

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