What is cataphoric reference example?

What is cataphoric reference example?

Cataphoric reference occurs when a word or phrase refers to something mentioned later in the discourse. Here are some examples of cataphoric reference: Although I phone her every week, my mother still complains that I don’t keep in touch often enough. Her refers to my mother.

What is cataphoric referencing?

Cataphoric reference means that a word in a text refers to another later in the text and you need to look forward to understand. It can be compared with anaphoric reference, which means a word refers back to another word for its meaning. ‘When he arrived, John noticed that the door was open’.

What does endophoric reference mean?

Endophora refers to the phenomenon of expressions that derive their reference from something within the surrounding text (endophors). She was lying on the beach”, “she” is an endophoric expression because it refers to something mentioned elsewhere in the text, i.e. “Sally”.

What is a cataphoric relation?

In semantics, cataphoric relation is the coreference relation between a pronoun and a noun phrase which follows the pronoun.

Why is cataphoric reference used?

The use of such terms (words or phrases) that are referring forward to something said or written afterwards in the same text is termed as cataphoric reference. Example: Despite referring to nouns, cataphoric reference can also be used to refer other ideas used forward in the same text. …

What cataphoric means?

: of or relating to cataphora especially : being a word or phrase (such as a pronoun) that takes its reference from a following word or phrase (such as her in before her Jane saw nothing but desert) — compare anaphoric.

What is cataphoric pronoun?

Cataphoric pronouns are pronouns that occur linearly before their antecedent. In other words, they are instances of referential dependencies in which the antecedent follows the referentially dependent element, as illustrated in (1).

What is cataphora and examples?

Cataphora is a type of anaphora, although the terms anaphora and anaphor are sometimes used in a stricter sense, denoting only cases where the order of the expressions is the reverse of that found in cataphora. An example of cataphora in English is the following sentence: When he arrived home, John went to sleep.

What is the effect of cataphoric reference?

Cataphora across sentences is often used for rhetorical effect. It can build suspense and provide a description.

What is meant by cataphora?

: the use of a grammatical substitute (such as a pronoun) that has the same reference as a following word or phrase.

What is a cataphoric pronoun?

What is the effect of cataphoric referencing?

Cataphoric devices are counterparts to anaphoric devices: Just as anaphoric devices enable backward reference, cataphoric devices enable forward reference. And just as anaphoric devices mark concepts that have been mentioned before, cataphoric devices mark concepts that are likely to be mentioned again.

What does a cataphoric reference mean in English?

Cataphoric reference means that a word in a text refers to another later in the text and you need to look forward to understand. It can be compared with anaphoric reference, which means a word refers back to another word for its meaning.

What is the difference between anaphora and cataphora referencing?

In particular, cataphora and anaphora describe how a certain piece of information is produced and subsequently referred to throughout a text or conversation. Anaphoric referencing describes how a certain word is referred back to by another word. Generally, this means that a pronoun is being used to refer to an already stated topic or noun.

Which is an example of an endophoric reference?

“Endophoric” reference is a more general term that includes both anaphoric and cataphoric reference. So it refers to something inside the text, either earlier (anaphoric) or later (cataphoric). So any of the examples above of anaphoric and cataphoric reference are also examples of endophoric reference. Hope that helps.

Which is a cataphoric reference to Professor Otis?

The pronoun she refers to Susan. The pronoun his refers to Professor Otis. As with an anaphoric reference, a cataphoric reference doesn’t completely rely on pronouns. Sometimes a word or phrase can act as a reference to the noun mentioned later. The painting hangs dusty on my wall. I’ve never been a fan anyway of The Starry Night.

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