What is local field in dielectric?

What is local field in dielectric?

In dielectric solids, the atoms or molecules experience not only the external applied electric field but also the electric field produced by the dipoles. The resultant electric field acting on the atoms or molecules of dielectric substance is called the local field or an internal field.

What is meant by local field in dielectrics and how it is calculated?

Local field: When a liquid or solid dielectric placed in an external electric field , it’s​ atoms becomes electric dipole which provides field which is different than applied field. the total field at the atomic sites is called the internal field or local field. It is represented by Ei or EL. E(local field)=E+p/3€

What is meant by local field in dielectric deduce Clausius Mosoti equation?

We define the local field Eloc to be the field felt by one particle (mostly an atom) of the material at its position (x,y,z). …

What is Lorentz local field?

[′lȯr‚ens ¦lō·kəl ′fēld] (electricity) In a theory of electric polarization, the average electric field due to the polarization at a molecular site that is calculated under the assumption that the field due to polarization by molecules inside a small sphere centered at the site may be neglected.

How is local field different from Maxwell Field?

It is this field which enters into the Maxwell equations, which are used for the macroscopic description of dielectric media. In the present situation the field E is a constant throughout the medium. On the other hand, the local field Eloc is a microscopic field which fluctuates rapidly within the medium.

What is depolarization field in dielectrics?

Depolarization is an electrochemical phenomenon that involves the removal or prevention of polarization in a substance or of polarization arising from the field due to the charges induced on the surface of a dielectric when an external field is applied.

How do you calculate the electric field of a dielectric?

A parallel plate capacitor with a dielectric between its plates has a capacitance given by C=κϵ0Ad C = κ ϵ 0 A d , where κ is the dielectric constant of the material. The maximum electric field strength above which an insulating material begins to break down and conduct is called dielectric strength.

What is depolarization field in dielectric?

What is Lorentz field in dielectric?

E1 is the depolarization field, i.e. the field due to the polarization charges lying at the external surfaces of the sample, E2 the field due to the polarization charges lying on the surface of the Lorentz sphere, which is known as Lorentz field. and E3 is the field due to other dipoles lying within the sphere.

What is meant by dielectric loss?

dielectric loss, loss of energy that goes into heating a dielectric material in a varying electric field. For example, a capacitor incorporated in an alternating-current circuit is alternately charged and discharged each half cycle. Dielectric losses depend on frequency and the dielectric material.

What is meant by dielectric material?

dielectric, insulating material or a very poor conductor of electric current. When dielectrics are placed in an electric field, practically no current flows in them because, unlike metals, they have no loosely bound, or free, electrons that may drift through the material. Instead, electric polarization occurs.

What is the depolarization field?

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