What is mail command in Linux?

What is mail command in Linux?

Linux mail command is a command-line utility that allows us to send emails from the command line. However, many other commands are available in Linux that can be used to send the emails from the command line such as sendmail, mutt, SSMTP, telnet, and more.

How do you get out of mail command?

here, -s option is used for mentioning the subject of mail followed by the email address on which we need to send the mail. Now after you execute the above command, we need to enter the body content & once we are done, press CTRL + D to exit and send the mail.

How do I email a file in Linux?

4 Ways to Send Email Attachment from Linux Command Line

  1. Using mail Command. mail is part of the mailutils (On Debian) and mailx (On RedHat) package and it is used to process messages on the command line.
  2. Using mutt Command.
  3. Using mailx Command.
  4. Using mpack Command.

How do I find my SMTP server in Linux?

To check if SMTP is working from the command line (Linux), is one critical aspect to be considered while setting up an email server. The most common way of checking SMTP from Command Line is using telnet, openssl or ncat (nc) command. It is also the most prominent way to test SMTP Relay.

How do I access email from command line?

How to check or read email with telnet

  1. Open your command prompt.
  2. At the command prompt, type in telnet example.com 110.
  3. Type user and the email address ([email protected]) of the user for which you wish to view emails: user [email protected].
  4. Then type in pass followed by your password: pass yourpasswordgoeshere.

How do I see mail queue in Linux?

Viewing email in Linux using postfix’s mailq and postcat

  1. mailq – print a list of all queued mail.
  2. postcat -vq [message-id] – print a particular message, by ID (you can see the ID along in mailq ‘s output)
  3. postqueue -f – process the queued mail immediately.

How do you send mail in Linux?

5 Ways to Send Email From Linux Command Line

  1. Using ‘sendmail’ Command. Sendmail is a most popular SMTP server used in most of Linux/Unix distribution.
  2. Using ‘mail’ Command. mail command is most popular command to send emails from Linux terminal.
  3. Using ‘mutt’ command.
  4. Using ‘SSMTP’ Command.
  5. Using ‘telnet’ Command.

How do you exit a mail command in Linux?

When you are done entering the message, hit -D (at the start of a new line) to send the message (and exit back to the system or UNIX prompt). To abort a message and exit mailx, type -C twice.

How do you sent mail in Linux?

How do I email a Unix file?

Method 2 : -a switch in mailx command The -a options is easier to use that the uuencode command. The above command will print a new blank line. Type the body of the message here and press [ctrl] + [d] to send. This will attach the file to the outbound email correctly with proper Content-Type and boundary headers.

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