Should I use Dictionary or Hashtable in C#?

Should I use Dictionary or Hashtable in C#?

Dictionary<> is a generic type and so it’s type safe. You can insert any value type in HashTable and this may sometimes throw an exception. But Dictionary will only accept integer values and similarly Dictionary will only accept strings. So, it is better to use Dictionary<> instead of HashTable .

What is difference between Dictionary and hash table?

A dictionary is a data structure that maps keys to values. A hash table is a data structure that maps keys to values by taking the hash value of the key (by applying some hash function to it) and mapping that to a bucket where one or more values are stored.

Is Hashtable better than Dictionary?

A Dictionary of a specific type (other than Object ) has better performance than a Hashtable for value types because the elements of Hashtable are of type Object and, therefore, boxing and unboxing typically occur if storing or retrieving a value type”.

What is difference between Dictionary and Hashtable in C#?

Hashtable is a loosely typed (non-generic) collection, this means it stores key-value pairs of any data types. Dictionary is a generic collection. So it can store key-value pairs of specific data types.

How does Dictionary work in C#?

The Dictionary class in C# represents a generic data structure that can contain keys and values of data. In essence, a Dictionary contains a generic collection of key/value pairs. You can take advantage of the Add method of the Dictionary class to store objects in a Dictionary instance.

What is the difference between Dictionary and list in C#?

Dictionary is a collection of keys and values in C#. Dictionary is a generic type and returns an error if you try to find a key which is not there. List collection is a generic class and can store any data types to create a list.

What is Dictionary object in C#?

In C#, Dictionary is a generic collection which is generally used to store key/value pairs. The working of Dictionary is quite similar to the non-generic hashtable. The advantage of Dictionary is, it is generic type. Dictionary is defined under System. Generic namespace.

When should I use a Dictionary in C#?

When your Index of an List has to be meaningful and is unique, you could use a Dictionary for better loookup-operations. You use Dictionary when you need to store values with some unique keys associated to them, and accessing them by that key is convenient for you.

Why dictionary is used in C#?

In C#, Dictionary is a generic collection which is generally used to store key/value pairs. The working of Dictionary is quite similar to the non-generic hashtable. The advantage of Dictionary is, it is generic type. Generic namespace.

What is the difference between tuple and dictionary C#?

Tuples have structure, lists have order. A dictionary is a key-value store. It is not ordered and it requires that the keys are hashable. It is fast for lookups by key.

Which is better Dictionary or list c#?

The larger the list, the longer it takes. Of course the Dictionary in principle has a faster lookup with O(1) while the lookup performance of a List is an O(n) operation. The Dictionary map a key to a value and cannot have duplicate keys, whereas a list just contains a collection of values.

What’s the difference between dictionary and hashtable in C #?

Dictionary is a generic replacement of Hashtable that was introduced in C# 2.0. It uses KeyValuePair generic objects to represent its key-value pairs. The only place where you should see Hashtable these days is legacy code that must run on .NET 1.1, before generics have been introduced.

What’s the difference between a Hashtable and a hash table?

Or in other words, a Hashtable is used to create a collection which uses a hash table for storage. It is the non-generic type of collection which is defined in System.Collections namespace. In Hashtable, key objects must be immutable as long as they are used as keys in the Hashtable. A Hashtable is a non-generic collection.

What are the differences between hashtable, dictionary and KeyValuePair?

If you know the data type of the key and value, use a dictionary for performance reasons (avoid casting). KeyValuePair is a type used by Dictionary . When you iterate over the items in a Dictionary, you get a series of KeyValuePair objects. One major difference is that Hashtable is thread-safe, while Dictionary is not.

How does the Hashtable class work

The Hashtable class uses the hash to speed up the searching for a specific key in the collection. Every object in .NET derives from the Object class. This class supports the GetHash method, which returns an integer that uniquely identifies the object.

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