What does unscrupulous woman mean?

What does unscrupulous woman mean?

The unscrupulous person is without scruples of conscience, and disregards, or has contempt for, laws of right or justice with which he or she is perfectly well acquainted, and which should restrain his or her actions: unscrupulous in methods of making money, in taking advantage of the unfortunate.

What is the full meaning of unscrupulous?

: not honest or fair : doing things that are wrong, dishonest, or illegal. See the full definition for unscrupulous in the English Language Learners Dictionary. unscrupulous. adjective. un·​scru·​pu·​lous | \ ˌən-ˈskrü-pyə-ləs \

What are synonyms for unscrupulous?

synonyms for unscrupulous

  • deceitful.
  • dishonest.
  • illegal.
  • petty.
  • ruthless.
  • selfish.
  • shady.
  • underhanded.

What is unscrupulous behavior?

Use the adjective unscrupulous to describe someone who behaves in a dishonest or unethical way. Unscrupulous behavior is the unfortunate resort of many ambitious people — it’s the immoral stuff they do to make success more attainable.

Where does the word unscrupulous come from?

mid-15c., from Anglo-French scrupulus, French scrupuleux, or directly from Latin scrupulosus, from scrupulus (see scruple). Related: Scrupulously; scrupulousness.

How do you use unscrupulous?

Unscrupulous sentence example

  1. He was too unscrupulous and self-centred to play for anything but his own hand.
  2. Cruel, vicious, unscrupulous and strong, the country groaned beneath his oppression.
  3. His internal policy was blind, reckless and unscrupulous , and inevitably led to disaster.

What does acting immorally mean?

1. immorally – without regard for morality; “he acted immorally when his own interests were at stake” amorally. virtuously, morally – in a moral manner; “he acted morally under the circumstances”

What part of speech is unscrupulous?


part of speech: adjective
definition: lacking concern for honesty, fairness, or the like; without conscience or scruples. antonyms: honest, scrupulous similar words: corrupt, dirty, shameless
related words: base, corrupt, crooked, dishonest, disreputable, foul, immoral, loose, miscreant, underhand, venal

What is a pacifist person?

(Entry 1 of 2) : an adherent to pacifism : someone who opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes … the attack inflamed the American public and turned isolationists and pacifists into gung-ho patriots hot for revenge.—

How do you use unscrupulous in a sentence?

Is unscrupulously a word?

adj. Having or showing no regard for what is right or honorable; devoid of scruples. un·scru′pu·lous·ly adv. un·scru′pu·lous·ness n.

What does scruples mean in the Bible?

scruples Add to list Share. Having scruples is kind of like having a conscience: your morals or scruples cause you to act in ways you think are right. Scruples are a kind of moral compass that lets you know what’s right.

Which is the best definition of the word unscrupulous?

Definition of ‘unscrupulous’. unscrupulous. If you describe a person as unscrupulous, you are critical of the fact that they are prepared to act in a dishonest or immoral way in order to get what they want.

What do you mean by unscrupulous financial adviser?

behaving in a way that is dishonest or unfair in order to get what you want: an unscrupulous financial adviser

What’s the name of a pitiful or contemptible person?

Borborygmite: The rumbling of bowels (creative, to be sure) Blighter: A pitiful, annoying or contemptible person (because of this word’s similarity to the word “blight” I don’t even think that the person you’re insulting will have trouble figuring out what the word means)

Are there any insulting names in the past?

Men have been trading insults since language was first invented. We need not limit ourselves to using only the most current names out there. I am therefore pleased to present to you over 50 insulting names that were used in the past- specifically in the Medieval and Renaissance periods of history.

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