What is meant by optimization in designing electrical machine?

What is meant by optimization in designing electrical machine?

Multi-objective optimization has become popular in this field nowadays, as design optimization of electrical machines is multi-objective in nature, such as maximizing the torque and minimizing the torque ripple, and maximizing the power density and minimizing active material cost.

What are the design constraint while designing any electrical machine?

Limitations in design: The materials used for the machine and others such as cooling etc., imposes a limitation in design. The limitations stem from saturation of iron, current density in conductors, temperature, insulation, mechanical properties, efficiency, power factor etc.

What are the modern trends in electrical machine design?

Recent Trends in Electric Machines are neural networks, Artificial Intelligence, expert system, fibre communications and integrated electronics, hot superconductors and other new ceramic conducting and dielectric materials, magnetic levitation etc.

What are the two main parts of a rotating machine?

In rotating machines, there are two parts: the stator and the rotor.

What is design in electrical machine design?

The basic design of an electrical machine involves the dimensioning of the magnetic circuit, electrical circuit, insulation system etc., and is carried out by applying analytical equations. A designer is generally confronted with a number of problems for which there may not be one. solution, but many solutions.

What are the main dimensions in electrical machine design?

In rotating machine the active part is cylindrical in shape. The volume of the cylinder is given by the product of area of cross section and length. If D is the diameter and L is the length of cylinder, then the volume is given by πD2L/4. Therefore D and L are specified as main dimensions.

What is electric machine design?

What is electrical rotating machine?

[i¦lek·trik ¦rō‚tād·iŋ mə‚shēn·rē] (electricity) Any form of apparatus which has a rotating member and generates, converts, transforms, or modifies electric power, such as a motor, generator, or synchronous converter.

What is the main parts of rotating machine?

Rotating machinery is essentially composed of a rotating part, the rotor, and a nonrotating part, the stator.

What are the main design parts of an electric machine?

The basic components of all electromagnetic apparatus are the field and armature windings supported by dielectric or insulation, cooling system and mechanical parts. Therefore, the factors for consideration in the design are, Magnetic circuit or the flux path: Should establish required amount of flux using minimum MMF.

What are the major factors in design of an electrical machine?

Major considerations in Electrical Machine Design – Electrical Engineering Materials – Space factor – Choice of Specific Electrical and Magnetic loadings – Thermal considerations – Heat flow – Temperature rise – Rating of machines – Standard specifications.

What is difference between AC and DC motor?

The most obvious difference is the type of current each motor turns into energy, alternating current in the case of AC motors, and direct current in the case of DC motors. AC motors are available in single- or three-phase configurations, while DC motors are always single-phase.

How are powertrains designed for each operating mode?

The power needs in each operating mode must be quantified, and components sized accordingly. This may involve multiple sets of powertrain design criteria, one set considering each powertrain mode.

What does ESI do for electric motor optimization?

In this context, ESI has been working with both manufacturers and suppliers of the automotive domain on optimizing the design of electric motors (and associated batteries).

How does an energy recovery powertrain differ from a traditional powertrain?

An energy recovery powertrain differs from a traditional powertrain significantly; however, due to its bidirectional power flow. The effect of this is that when considering an energy recovery powertrain in a vehicle, the traditional powertrain design paradigm no longer strictly applies. This is due to a number of reasons:

How are technical performance and total cost of EPT influenced?

As shown in Fig. 1, the technical performance and total cost of the ePT are influenced by a multitude (more than 15) of system relevant component parameters. Fig. 1. Requirements, design parameters and correlations between efficiency and system cost in Electric Powertrains (ePT).

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