Are Kenyan sand boas friendly?

Are Kenyan sand boas friendly?

Although most sand boas are very well behaved, an occasional individual may be slightly jumpy, but from my personal experience, bites are rare. Even the most spirited sand boa prefers to try to escape, jerk or spasm rather than bite.

How long does it take for a Kenyan sand boa to reach full size?

Once they reach adulthood, at about 15 months to 2 years of age depending on feeding schedules, they frequently eat very little, especially in the summer breeding season. The females will generally reach about 24-36 inches, with 28 being typical, and will weigh in the neighborhood of 400-900 + grams.

How big does a sand boa get?

Kenyan sand boas are heavy-bodied stout snakes with a blunt head, small eyes, and a thick, short body and tail. Females are larger, reaching length between 26 and 32 inches, while males grow to about 15 inches.

How long can sand boas go without eating?

In the wild, Kenyan sand boas eat nestlings, small lizards and rodents such as the naked mole rat. If food is particularly scarce, the Kenyan sand boa can live for up to a year without eating. At Happy Hollow they eat mice. Unlike most reptile species, these snakes do not lay eggs.

Does a Kenyan sand boa bite hurt?

A bite from a Kenyan sand boa is no more severe than a scratch from a housecat, to put it into perspective, but it can still be painful for you and traumatic for the snake, and for these reasons a bite should be avoided.

How long do sand boas live?

The Kenyan Sand Boa is found in semi-arid desert regions or rock outcroppings of Northeastern Africa: From Egypt, to Tanzania, and west Somalia to Kenya. Lifespan: Sand boas typically live into their mid-teens. Some in captivity have lived up to 20 years.

Do sand boas need water?

Kenyan Sand Boa Water A light plastic water dish will be easily pushed over, possibly fouling the environment. The only time the cage should have high humidity is during the Kenyan sand boa’s shed cycle. High humidity is important during the shed cycle to ensure all of the skin comes off safely.

How often should I feed my sand boa?

Feed your sand boa 1 mouse every 7-14 days. Females tend to eat more frequently, so offer your female snake food once a week. Your male snake will typically only want to eat every 10-14 days. You can set up a schedule based on your snake’s preferences.

Why are sand boas so expensive?

The smugglers have often been reported to feed this snake steel bullet or lead balls to increase its weight. The snakes are not just sold but also rented out for hefty sums. Furthermore, the demand for these snakes is so high that they are also reported to be stolen from zoos across India.

Can Kenyan sand boas eat rats?

Sand boas will eat rodents, birds and lizards. They kill prey by constriction or by dragging it under the surface of the sand.

Should I get a male or female sand boa?

Its easy to sex kenyan sand boas without relying on the spurs or popping which can damage snakes if done improperly. Males have a longer tail from their cloaca (anal vent) to the tip of their tail, and the tip has a rounder look to it. With females the tail is shorter from the cloaca to the tip and the tip is pointed.

How do you pick up a sand boa?

Sand Boas are known to tolerate handling and rarely bite their handler. However, if you approach their burrow directly some Boas have a strong feeding response and will strike. It is important to give a snake time to adjust to their enclosure before handling. You should wait five days before attempting to handle.

Is a Kenyan sand boa a good snake?

Another quality that makes Kenyan sand boas a good snake for beginners is that they do not require complicated care. A lot of the simple care techniques you learn while taking care of a Kenyan sand boa, you can later apply to looking after any snake you own in the future.

Is sand a good substrate for a Kenyan sand boa?

Choosing the right substrate is paramount for Kenyan Sand Boas. In the wild, they will burrow in the sand to hide and protect themselves from the scorching African sun. That behavior will continue in captivity. You have a lot of options for the substrate. As their name would suggest, sand is a good choice .

What is the best substrate for a Kenyan sand boa?

Best Substrate for Kenyan Sand Boas. Sand may be a good substrate, but it’s not the only choice available. Aspen bedding can work well, as can corn cob granules or even dry coir substrate . Some keepers even like to provide an assortment of substrates in the cage, allowing their snake to explore different environments. May 18 2019

How big can a Kenyan sand boa grow?

Because of its extensive geographical range, some keepers refer to it as the East African sand boa, but the common name of Kenyan sand boa is still the most widely accepted in the pet trade. Female Kenyan sand boas grow to about 2 feet in length while males are smaller at around 20 inches.

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