What classification is a panda bear?

What classification is a panda bear?

Giant panda/Class

What are the 8 levels of classification for a giant panda?


  • KingdomAnimaliaanimals.
  • OrderCarnivoracarnivores. Carnivora: information (1)Carnivora: pictures (938)Carnivora: specimens (1208)Carnivora: sounds (4)
  • FamilyUrsidaebears. Ursidae: information (1)Ursidae: pictures (96)Ursidae: specimens (43)
  • GenusAiluropodagiant panda.
  • SpeciesAiluropoda melanoleucagiant panda.

What is the common name of Ailuropoda melanoleuca?

giant panda, (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), also called panda bear, bearlike mammal inhabiting bamboo forests in the mountains of central China.

How many Ailuropoda melanoleuca are there?

Only one species—Ailuropoda melanoleuca—currently exists; the other three species are prehistoric chronospecies. Despite its taxonomic classification as a carnivoran, the giant panda has a diet that is primarily herbivorous, which consists almost exclusively of bamboo.

Is a panda a bear or a marsupial?

Are Pandas Marsupials? The short answer is no, they are placental mammals. One of the most recognisable defining characteristics of marsupials is that they carry their young in pouches.

What is a Giant pandas classification?

Giant panda/Order

What is the kingdom of a giant panda?

Giant panda/Kingdom

What is the main food of panda?

But they do occasionally eat something other than bamboo Although pandas are 99% vegetarian their digestive system is typical of a carnivore. For the 1% of their diet that isn’t bamboo, pandas eat eggs, small animals, carrion, and forage in farmland for pumpkin, kidney beans, wheat and domestic pig food.

What is a panda’s adaptations?

Giant pandas have developed unique adaptations for their cold, wet habitat and their penchant for bamboo. Their thick, black-and-white fur coats keep them warm. To crush tough bamboo, they have strong jaws and large, flat molar teeth. To pluck and hold bamboo, they have elongated wrist bones that work much like thumbs.

What is ailuropoda?

: a genus of Procyonidae including only the giant panda.

What is a Melanoleuca?

Noun. 1. Ailuropoda melanoleuca – large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae. coon bear, giant panda, panda, panda bear.

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