What is a 4017 IC?

What is a 4017 IC?

IC 4017 is a digital counter plus decoder circuit. The clock pulses generated at the output of the IC 555 timer (PIN-3) are given as an input to IC 4017 through PIN-14. After the next clock pulse, PIN-2 of IC 4017 is HIGH, which means that LED-2 will glow and all the other LEDs can be turned OFF.

How do I reset my IC 4017?

If you want to glow only 5 leds in a sequence instead of 10,connect the pin 1 of the 4017 to its reset. Thus when 6th clock pulse arrives, reset button goes from high to low transition and resets the IC.

What is a 4017 decade counter?

The 4017 Decade counter is a device that counts clock pulses. It is called a decade counter because it has 10 outputs (Q0 to Q9) and so it can count 10 clock pulses before starting again. This is a very simple counter that is easy to understand and straight forward to use.

Which IC is used for decade counter?

A decade counter is very common in today’s electronics. Most commonly available as IC CD7490, contains multiple flip flops to convert BCD-to-decimal and is incorporated as part of larger integrated circuits. A decade counter counts in a sequence of ten and then returns back to zero after the count of nine.

Which pin enables or disables the counter?

Pin 2: This is the enable pin for counter 1. The counter 1 circuit will receive the clock inputs only if this pin is set to HIGH.

How does the 4017 show how many it has counted?

A 4017 counter lights up each LED in term every time a pulse is applied to the clock input. The clock input on the circuit symbol is the > sign. For the circuit to count this must be connected to 0V.

What does LS mean in IC number?

LS = low power schottky. F = fast. HC = high speed cmos. HCT = high speed cmos with ttl levels.

How do you identify a 14-pin IC?

Pin numbers The pins are numbered anti-clockwise around the IC (chip) starting near the notch or dot. The diagrams show the numbering for 8-pin and 14-pin ICs, but the principle is the same for all sizes.

How many flip-flops are needed for decade counter?

How many flip-flops are required to construct a decade counter? Explanation: Number of flip-flop required is calculated by this formula: 2(n-1) <= N< = 2n. 24=16and23=8, therefore, 4 flip flops needed.

What kind of circuit can I do with IC 4017?

Often use IC 4017 CMOS-IC. This really neat chip contains a counter and a decoder circuit, that can show a single output pin for each count from 0 to 9. Do not just look at it. You should learn with doing many circuits using 4017.

When to use an IC 4017 decade counter?

This article discusses an overview of the IC 4017 datasheet. What is an IC 4017 Decade Counter? The CD4017 IC is a CMOS Decade counter and it is used in the applications of low-range counting. This IC will count from 0 to 10 and the circuit with an IC 4017 will save board space as well as the time necessary to design the circuit.

What can a 4017 counter divider be used for?

The IC 4017 is a versatile counter divider IC which can be applied for making many different interesting electronic circuits. In this post we will learn about a few useful yet simple 4017 IC circuits and projects, assorted and compiled from this blog.

Which is the output pin of the IC 4017 decoder?

IC 4017 is a digital counter plus decoder circuit. The clock pulses generated at the output of IC 555 timer (PIN-3) is given as an input to IC 4017 through PIN-14. Whenever a clock pulse is received at the clock input of the IC 4017 counter, the counter increments the count and activates the corresponding output PIN.

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