Does Prozac make it hard to lose weight?

Does Prozac make it hard to lose weight?

As an SSRI, Prozac increases the levels of serotonin in the brain and these are generally the first-line treatment for depression. Any weight loss you may experience while taking Prozac may only be temporary and weight gain after the first few months may be possible.

Does Prozac affect your weight?

Prozac is not alone in causing this potential dreaded side effect; many antidepressants can potentially lead to weight gain, particularly with long-term use. 1In fact, Prozac is actually considered one of the weight-neutral antidepressants, meaning it doesn’t typically cause weight gain.

Is weight gain from Prozac permanent?

Researchers at King’s College London found that all twelve of the leading antidepressants — including fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and escitalopram (Lexapro) — increased risk for weight gain for up to six years after starting treatment.

Do antidepressants slow your metabolism?

Some years ago, I did some studies that showed that tricyclic antidepressants (like Elavil and Tofranil) caused a drop in metabolic rate of up to 10 percent. Translated into calories, this is a pound every seven to 10 days, if you don’t change your diet.

How long does it take to lose weight on Prozac?

The popular antidepressant also may have edged out Meridia, producing an average weight loss of slightly more than 11 pounds in patients taking Prozac for 24 to 30 weeks, compared with less than 10 pounds shed after 26 weeks by those using Meridia.

Does 20mg Prozac cause weight gain?

Prozac is one of the few antidepressants that is not associated with weight gain and is considered a weight-neutral medication.

Does 20mg prozac cause weight gain?

Has anyone lost weight on fluoxetine?

In the 11 studies, fluoxetine was used for an average of 28 weeks and resulted in an average weight loss of 3.3 kg.

Does Prozac increase metabolism?

Fluoxetine increases resting energy expenditure and basal body temperature in humans.

Did you gain weight on Prozac?

Has anyone lost weight on Prozac?

How much weight did I gain from stopping Prozac?

SSRI’s do seem to be the class of medication for me though; unfortunately they seem to be the worst weight gain offenders. I did taper off Prozac a few years ago from 50mg daily to none. I am 5’7 and usually about 135 pounds with tone which I am fine with. I ended up gaining about 50 pounds. I remember getting up to about 184 pounds.

Are there any SSRIs that can cause weight gain?

Among the SSRIs that can cause adverse weight- and appetite-related side effects are the medications escitalopram and fluoxetine — better known by their brand names Lexapro and Prozac, respectively; however, both medications are often effective at treating symptoms of depression, so they are generally utilized despite weight gain.

What happens when you discontinue Prozac and Lexapro?

When discontinuing medications such as Lexapro and Prozac, it’s crucial to follow an experienced physician’s medical advice for tapering off slowly. Sudden discontinuation of SSRIs can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, whereas gradual tapering helps your body slowly readjust to the change.

What can I do to speed up my metabolism?

Your best bet for substantially speeding up your metabolism is exercise. Engage in an hour of moderate to vigorous cardiovascular exercise — such as jogging, brisk walking, cycling, skating, hiking and dancing — most days of the week to burn lots of calories and to burn fat.

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