What are ethical standards in education?

What are ethical standards in education?

The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students’ potential. Members express their commitment to students’ well-being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.

What is QCT in education?

Page 1. Whole School Quality Circle Time (QCT) Programme Overview. Quality Circle Time is a holistic, highly effective approach, which has been used by several leading schools across India for over 18 years.

What are Aitsl standards?

The Standards are grouped into three domains of teaching: Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement. In practice, teaching draws on aspects of all three domains. Within each Standard, focus areas provide further illustration of teaching knowledge, practice and professional engagement.

What is the QCT code of ethics?

Approved teachers are expected to understand and apply the key principles in the code of ethics for teachers in Queensland: integrity, dignity, responsibility, respect, justice and care.

What is the role of the QCT?

The QCT is the regulatory body for the teaching profession in Queensland. The QCT develops, maintains and applies professional standards, codes of practice and policies to underpin initial entry to and continuing membership of the profession.

How do I reference Aitsl teaching standards?

Narrative in-text reference first time: The Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) (2017) stated that… Subsequent parenthetical times: … standards (AITSL, 2017). Subsequent narrative times: AITSL (2017) stated that…

When was the QCT code of ethics written?

In 2008 the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) released their code of ethics in a one-page statement to complement embedded values dimensions within their professional standards. This statement explains how teachers can demonstrate integrity, dignity, responsibility, respect, justice and care in their work.

What do you need to know about QCT for teachers?

Standards and conduct. In addition to requiring registered teachers to meet professional teaching standards, the QCT also requires teachers to meet standards of ethical conduct, especially in their dealings with children. Applicants and teachers who meet standards of ethical behaviour are regarded as ‘suitable to teach’. The QCT can receive

What are the ten professional standards for Queensland Teachers?

The ten professional standards for Queensland Teachers are a public statement consisting of what we need to know, understand and be able to do, both inside and outside the classroom. Each standard will therefore be explored in three sections, which are knowledge, values and practice.

What is the Code of ethics for teachers in Queensland?

The QCT encourages all teachers in Queensland to abide by the Code of Ethics and to respect professional boundaries. Find out more and download. If you are a registered teacher in Queensland you have legal obligations to notify the QCT of certain changes in your situation.

What are the three sections of QCT standards?

Each standard will therefore be explored in three sections, which are knowledge, values and practice. Once these three sections have been explored and the relevant evidence has been provided, each three sections will be inter-linked.

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