What is school plant planning and management?

What is school plant planning and management?

For example, according to Ajayi and Yusuf (2010), school plant planning is a process in which a suitable site is selected and instructional space, administrative space, circulation space, and spaces of convenience are designed to facilitate the teaching and learning process in the school system.

What is the role of the school administrator in the planning of school plant and maintenance?

School administrators must ensure proper maintenance of school plant in order to facilitate effective teaching and learning process. School plant maintenance refers to the keeping of school site, building and equipment in as near their original state of utility as possible (Olutola, 1981).

What is school plant administration?

management which may have not been carried out in the daily administration of secondary schools. School plant management ensures that school facilities are effectively used to enhance teaching and. learning with little or no interference of the teaching and learning process.

What are the steps in school plant planning?

School plant planning which include instructional spaces planning, administrative places planning, circulation spaces planning, spaces for conveniences planning and accessories planning are essential in teaching-learning process.

Why is the maintenance of a school plant important?

Their components must be maintained on a timely and routine basis. This preventive maintenance will ensure reliability, reduce operating costs, and increase the life expectancy of the equipment.

What is school plant facilities?

School Physical facilities Physical facilities refers to the school plant, that is, the school buildings, classrooms, library, laboratories, toilet facilities, offices and other materials and infrastructures that would likely motivate students towards learning.

What are the challenges of school plant maintenance?

The study findings reported challenges in school plant management such as poor planning by some principals, principals’ lack of technical skills in the school plant management, inadequate time for supervision by school principals, poorly trained personnel to manage school plant, poor maintenance of school facilities by …

What is the purpose of school plant maintenance?

This preventive maintenance will ensure reliability, reduce operating costs, and increase the life expectancy of the equipment.

What is the importance of school plant?

In addition to its impact on the attitudes of especially the young ones towards school and its usefulness to them for formal learning, a good school plant with the necessary facilities plays a major role in fostering the development of good sanitation and healthful habits among children and staff.

What is school plant maintenance culture?

CONCEPT OF SCHOOL MAINTENANCE CULTURE. Maintenance of school plant implies that there is a malfunction of the building, equipment, or. grounds and that there is need to restore it to appropriate condition.

What are examples of school facilities?

The facility also includes furnishings, materials and supplies, equipment and information technology, as well as various aspects of the building grounds, namely, athletic fields, playgrounds, areas for outdoor learning, and vehicular access and parking.

What are the four functions of school plant?

Article shared by : ADVERTISEMENTS: The school plant includes the school building, play-ground, furniture, class-room, library, hostel, apparatus and equipment’s, school offices, black-board, school record etc.

What is school plant and importance of school plant management?

The school plant is of great importance because of its impact on the educational processes and programmes. We must look upon the plant as an integral part of the learning environment.. Ideally speaking the school plant planning must look like a nursery for the growth and development of young children.

What should you know about school facilities maintenance?

However, school facilities maintenance is concerned about more than just resource management. It is about providing clean and safe environments for children. It is also about creating a physical setting that is appropriate and adequate for learning.

Who are the people involved in school maintenance?

The primary audience of this Planning Guide is staff at the local school district level, where most facilities maintenance is planned, managed, and carried out. This includes board members, superintendents, business officials, principals, facilities managers, maintenance personnel, and custodians.

Why do we need a school facilities planning guide?

This Planning Guide is intended to help school administrators, staff, and community members better understand why and how to develop, implement, and evaluate a facilities maintenance plan. The primary audience of this Planning Guide is staff at the local school district level, where most facilities maintenance is planned, managed, and carried out.

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