What is retained fragment?

What is retained fragment?

Specifically, “retained” means that the fragment will not be destroyed on configuration changes. That is, the Fragment will be retained even if the configuration change causes the underlying Activity to be destroyed.

What is a target fragment?

A fragment is a piece of an application’s user interface or behavior that can be placed in an activity. Interaction with fragments is done through FragmentManager, which can be obtained via Activity.

What is the purpose of the fragments?

January 5, 2021. According to the Android documentation, a fragment is a part of applications user interface that is bound to an activity. Fragments have their lifecycle and layouts or UI components. Fragments help enrich your UI design, pass data between different screens, and adapt to different device configurations.

How do you know if a fragment is visible?

fragment:fragment:1.1. 0 you can just use onPause() and onResume() to determine which fragment is currently visible for the user. onResume() is called when the fragment became visible and onPause when it stops to be visible. To enable this behavior in the first ViewPager you have to pass FragmentPagerAdapter.

What is headless fragment?

Headless Fragments are Fragments which do not have any UI, i.e. they do not inflate any XML resource or create and return a View. In terms of MVC(Model View Controller), they contain only the Controller part without actually be responsible directly for controlling a View.

Should I use fragment?

You are correct, you don’t need Fragments to support multiple screen sizes. But they should make it easier. You should be able to instantiate the exact same fragment either as a whole-screen activity on a phone or as a partial screen on a tablet with only a few lines of code to tell the difference.

When should we use fragment?

So in the spirit of just wanting to know what time it is, here are four places where Fragments prove useful.

  1. Dealing with device form-factor differences. The Activity class is often thought of as the main UI class in Android.
  2. Passing information between app screens.
  3. User interface organization.
  4. Advanced UI metaphors.

How do you identify a fragment?

It does not have to rely on other parts of the sentence to get its point across because it has a clear subject and accompanying verb phrase or predicate. When the full thought is not expressed because either the subject or the verb is missing, you have a sentence fragment.

How do you hide a fragment?

If you remove layout. setVisibility(View. GONE); from the code then ft. hide(f); will not hide fragment.

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