How did Hank lose his jaw Madness Combat?

How did Hank lose his jaw Madness Combat?

Madness Combat 6: Antipathy Hank in MC6. Hank looks mostly the same as the last episode, but he has teeth sticking out, and a metal plate for a jaw, due to his beheading at the end of MC5 along with a metal plate on his chest due to being impaled on the warning sign.

Who is the strongest character in Madness Combat?

The Auditor is the true and main antagonist of the Madness series, first seen in Madness Combat 7: Consternation and is known to be a very powerful entity, being immune to most physical attacks.

Is Hank dead in Madness Combat?

Madness Combat 7: Consternation Hank is killed again by Jebus when he impales Hank with the Binary Sword, lifts him up into the air, and shoots him in the head with a revolver. He is later resurrected in part 9 and hasn’t died again in a canon episode since.

What is Hank J wimbleton gender?

Krinkels (the creator of the Madness Combat series) has hinted that no character in the Madness Combat series has a birth gender and in the description for Madness Combat 9.5, Hank is referred to with both he and they pronouns, which means that Hank is possible non-binary or agender.

How many times has Hank died madness combat?

Hank has died seven times in the main series. He’s been killed three times by Jesus, three times by Tricky, and once by suicide bombing Jesus. His fate at the end of Madness Combat 11 is ambiguous, and may constitute an eight death.

Is Tricky stronger than Hank?

One of Tricky’s most significant powers is his ability to turn into a giant, flaming demon. When Hank severely wounded Tricky in Madness Antipathy, the Improbability Drive transformed the clown into his demonic form. In this state, Tricky is far more powerful, gaining more strength and the ability to spit out fire.

How strong is Hank J Wimbleton?

Capable enough to fight against dozen zombies with melee weapons or his bare hands. Killed 605 enemies (105 people which is non-canon).

Do Madness Combat characters have mouths?

For example, the mouth would be at the bottom, the eyes would be at the left and right points, and the forehead at the top. In later episodes of Madness Combat, most characters began to wear sunglasses or other facial equipment to help identify these points.

How tall is Deimos?

Deimos (moon)

Satellite of Mars
Physical characteristics
Dimensions 15 km × 12.2 km × 11 km
Mean radius 6.2±0.18 km (0.97316 mEarths)

Who is stronger Hank or tricky?

Is Tricky the Clown Evil?

Tricky is a clown appearing in the Madness Combat series. He is an insane murderer and gained reality warping powers soon in the series.

Who is Hank Wimbleton in madness Combat series?

Hank J. Wimbleton is the main protagonist of the Madness Combat series on Newgrounds. He is a mercenary on a mission to destroy the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton . Due to the ambiguous nature of the series, Hank’s motives are not fully shown, and some of his actions, especially ones he takes early on in the series,…

Who is Hank Wimbleton in Madness project Nexus 2?

~ Hank’s description in Madness: Project Nexus 2. Hank J. Wimbleton is the main protagonist of the Madness Combat series on Newgrounds. He is a mercenary on a mission to destroy the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton .

Are there any episodes of Madness combat where Hank is not the protagonist?

The only episodes of the main series where he is not a protagonist are Madness Combat 8: Inundation, Madness Combat 5.5, where he only appeared for less than a second, Madness Combat 6.5, and Madness Combat 7.5. In the later two, he was only mentioned and did not appear at all.

Where did Hank Wimbleton get his ninja design from?

Hank’s design in MADNESS: Project Nexus is based on his ninja design from Madness Combat 7: Consternation. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

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