How much is Syngenta worth?

How much is Syngenta worth?

Syngenta is a Swiss agricultural company worth more than $32 billion.

How is Syngenta funded?

Long-term capital employed is currently financed through unsecured notes and bonds issued in the US, European and Swiss debt capital markets, as well as unsecured notes issued in the US Private Placement market.

Who is the CEO of Syngenta?

J. Erik Fyrwald (Jun 1, 2016–)

How many employees does Syngenta have?

With 28,000 employees in more than 90 countries, our ambition is to be the most collaborative and trusted team in agriculture — providing leading seeds, traits, crop protection, and precision and farm management innovations to help farmers be successful.

Who owns Golden Harvest seed?

Golden Harvest Seeds/Parent organizations
Golden Harvest is a U.S.-based brand wholly owned by Syngenta. Syngenta markets hybrid corn seeds and soybean seeds for agriculture under the brand.

Who owns Syngenta?

Cnac Saturn (Nl) B.V.
Syngenta/Parent organizations
Syngenta Group, the Swiss agrichemicals giant owned by state-backed China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina), is going public on the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s Nasdaq-like Star Market in a transaction that could value it at US$60 billion, including debt.

Who owns Adama?

Adama Agricultural Solutions/Parent organizations

Who is the owner of Syngenta company?

Syngenta/Parent organizations

Who owns Syngenta Seeds?

In 2015, ChemChina, a state-owned chemical company, finally took over Syngenta for a purchase price of $43 billion. This, the largest takeover by a Chinese company to date, caused criticism.

Is Golden Harvest owned by Syngenta?

Golden Harvest is a U.S.-based brand wholly owned by Syngenta. Syngenta markets hybrid corn seeds and soybean seeds for agriculture under the brand….Golden Harvest Seeds.

Type Agriculture/Subsidiary
Parent Syngenta

Who owns AgriGold?

AgReliant Genetics
AgriGold hybrid corn seed and soybean varieties are developed by our parent company AgReliant Genetics. As one of the leading research programs in North America, AgReliant provides direct access to the best traits and unique germplasm through our globally-positioned European parent companies, KWS and Limagrain.

Is Syngenta owned by Chem China?

ChemChina, a state-owned enterprise, has filed for an IPO of Syngenta, the world’s largest producer of agricultural chemicals, which it bought for $43 billion in 2017 (a deal that Fortune chronicled in detail). It remains China’s biggest foreign acquisition.

What are the benefits of Syngenta corn seed?

Delivers long-lasting, preventive and curative disease control and provides plant-health benefits for stronger corn. High-load granular insecticide that controls corn rootworm and other soil-dwelling insect pests with enhanced convenience.

What was the net income for 2019 for Syngenta?

Operating and Financial Review and Prospects Financial Report 2019 3 Summary of results Net income in 2019 attributable to Syngenta’s shareholder was $1,450 million, including $291 million from capitalizing development costs as described in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements. Net income in 2018 was $1,447 million.

What does Syngenta do to help growers?

At Syngenta Vegetable Seeds, we invest heavily in research and development to meet grower needs and help overcome challenges. Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) threatens papaya and cucurbits in all regions of the world where these crops are cultivated.

What was the impact of exchange rates on Syngenta?

Therefore, Syngenta’s results for the period covered by the review were significantly impacted by movements in exchange rates. Sales in 2020 were 5 percent higher than 2019 on a reported basis]

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