What are the criteria for selection of material for connecting rod?

What are the criteria for selection of material for connecting rod?

There are various factors that are to be considered before selecting connecting rod, like type of engine, maximum rpm engine produces, requirement of relative weight, stiffness and strength of connecting rods, type of cross section like I-section, H-section, Rectangular or circular, material of connecting rod etc.

Why I-section is preferred for designing a connecting rod?

The I-section of the connecting rod is used due to its lightness and to keep the inertia forces as low as possible. It can also withstand high gas pressure. 2. Sometimes a connecting rod may have rectangular section.

Which steel is suitable for connecting rod?

Ashby, Shercliff and Cebon (2008) have identified high strength magnesium, aluminum and ultra high strength steels as attractive candidates for connecting rod materials based on the constraints of high cycle fatigue and fracture toughness.

What are the factors to be considered for the selection of material for crankshaft?

MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS / SELECTION: Crankshaft materials should have adequate strength, toughness, hardness and high fatigue strength. The major crankshaft material competitors in the industry are forged steel and cast iron.

Which cross section is most commonly used for connecting rod?

The most suitable section for the connecting rod is I-section with the proportions shown mfg. P = 15.5 Mpa.

What is a good rod ratio?

Some engine builders say a “good” rod ratio is anything 1.55 or higher. Production engines may have rod ratios that range from 1.4 to over 2.0, with many falling in the 1.6 to 1.8 range. Four cylinders tend to have lower rod ratios (1.5 to 1.7 range) while many V6s have somewhat higher rod ratios of 1.7 to 1.8.

Does rod length affect displacement?

A popular misconception is that rod length affects displacement, which it does not. Only cylinder bore and crankshaft stroke alter the displacement of an engine. In effect, connecting rods provide an additional tuning component in a competition engine.

What type of section is used for connecting rod?

In general, What type of section is used for connecting rods? Explanation: Connecting rods are generally of forged I-section type because I-section have higher modulus per unit area in comparison to other sections. I-section is highly resistant to buckling and bending.

What are the cross sections commonly employed for connecting rod?

DESIGN OF CONNECTING ROD A connecting rod is a machine member which is subjected to alternating direct compressive and tensile forces. Since the compressive forces are much higher than the tensile force, therefore the cross- section of the connecting rod is designed as a strut and the rankine formula is used.

Why does a connecting rod need to be strong?

Connecting rod must be sufficiently strong to withstand the thrust from the piston during the combustion process. During its lifespan, it faces a lot of tensile and compressive loads.

What do you mean by sintered connecting rods?

Manufacturing Process (Contd.)  Sintered connecting rods:  Powdered metal pressed together and then put into an oven where it is sintered that means granuals are melted together and forms the rod.  Parting edge where cap and the rod meet is fractured.  Each cap and each rod is unique with itself.  Used in engine of rpm 7000 rpm.

What was the objective of the connecting rod paper?

The objective of this paper is to modify the connecting rod design and changing the material of connecting rod for weight reduction possibilities. Model of the connecting rod is designed with the help of INVENTOR and analysis was performed by using ANSYS. Content may be subject to copyright.

How is the pressure of a connecting rod calculated?

A CATIA model of connecting rod is used for analysis in HYPERMESH. Analysis is done with the pressure of 16 Mpa load applied at the piston end of the connecting rod which is calculated by using mathemati- cal calculations and fixed at the crank end of the connecting rod.

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