What does it mean awaiting editorial office processing?

What does it mean awaiting editorial office processing?

‘Awaiting Editorial Office Processing’ means that the manuscript was awaiting an Editorial Office (EO) or Associate Editor (AE) check for aspects such as adherence to guidelines, match with the journal’s scope, and novelty of the study.

How long does an editorial decision take?

Usually, the times vary from two to six months, but there is no fixed rule. You could ask how soon they think they will answer, or give a deadline yourself, warning them that, after that deadline without having heard, you will submit the text to another publisher.

What does editorial processing mean?

Summary of the editorial process. The author submits a manuscript and it receives a tracking number. The editorial office performs an initial quality check on the manuscript to ensure that the paper is formatted correctly.

How long do awaiting reviewer scores take?

4 weeks is also the time I’d expect the AE to allot for the reviewers (from past experience), and so the timing is right for the status to change from “Under review” to “Awaiting reviewer scores” – so it just means some reviewers haven’t yet submitted it and the reviews are either due or overdue.

What does under review mean Taylor and Francis?

Under review implies it has been sent out for peer review and has passed the initial check. T & F primarily uses ScholarOne Manuscripts but also have their own electronic submission system.

What does awaiting reviewer scores mean?

Answer: Typically, in a ScholarOne system, the “Awaiting reviewer assignment” status is shown when invitations have been sent out to reviewers, but reviewers haven’t accepted them yet. On the other hand, the status “Awaiting reviewer scores” means that the paper is under review.

How long is a desk rejection?

Desk rejects are usually quite quick (e.g., 1 to 4 weeks is common in my experience). Note that not all journals do desk rejects, and many journals vary in how much they filter at this stage.

How long does an editor take to read a manuscript?

Most professional editors have eyes on the page from four to six hours a day; any more tends to dull the focus needed to spot issues. A group of my colleagues recently discussed scheduling about 25,000 words to 35,000 words per week for a typical edit, if there even is such a thing.

Does decision in process mean rejection?

Thus, unfortunnately, a change in status from “Under Editor evaluation” to “Decision in process” generally indicates a desk rejection. Usually, a paper is desk rejected if the study does not match the scope of the journal or if the quality is not as per the journal’s standards.

What happens after awaiting reviewer scores?

On the other hand, the status “Awaiting reviewer scores” means that the paper is under review. Also, the editor would send the paper for an additional review only after going through the reviews that have come in, which would again take some time.

How long does the review process take?

A question often asked by authors, but also important to editors, is how long does it take between submission and publication of an article. This is a hard question to answer, but often peer review is the lengthiest part of this process. Journals usually ask reviewers to complete their reviews within 3-4 weeks.

How long is decision in process?

Answer: Most journals normally take 4-8 weeks to review manuscripts. The ‘decision in process’ status implies that your manuscript has passed through peer review and the editorial board is now making a decision.

How long does awaiting editorial office process take?

Unfortunately in this paper the average time for “Awaiting Editorial Office Process” was considered to be “A FEW WORK DAYS”. My problem is I have waited for 22 days.

Why is my article awaiting editorial assistant processing?

‘Awaiting Editorial Assistant Processing’ means that your article is yet to go through the initial check for quality of the study and match with the journal’s scope. This could be because they haven’t yet found or assigned somebody for the task. Note that journals such as ScholarOne receive a huge volume of submissions – and mails.

How long does it take for awaiting editor assignment to change?

As it has been only two weeks since you submitted your paper and only one week since the status changed to ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment,’ you may need to wait for some time, let’s say, two-three weeks, for the next status update. If there is no update by then, you may consider writing to the editor about it.

How long does it take for ADM to assign reviewers?

Chill out, millennial. It can take up to a month to do the initial processing, then time to assign reviewers. The editors might be dealing with an imminent issue, a difficult case, or an unrelated crisis. 5 years ago # QUOTE 1 YEA 4 NAY!

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