What is meant by Sciography?

What is meant by Sciography?

Sciography, also spelled sciagraphy or skiagraphy (Greek: σκιά “shadow” and γράφειν graphein, “write”), is a branch of science of the perspective dealing with the projection of shadows, or delineation of an object in perspective with its gradations of light and shade.

Why do we show Sciography in site plan?

The sciography of the entire structure also helps to provide adequate shade to the on-site activities reducing the heat gain of the site as a whole.

What is 1point perspective art?

A drawing has one-point perspective when it contains only one vanishing point on the horizon line. This type of perspective is typically used for images of roads, railway tracks, hallways, or buildings viewed so that the front is directly facing the viewer.

What is shade architecture?

Whether it’s natural or artificial, light is one of the most important elements to consider when designing a space. Shade is the darkness of an object not in direct light, while shadows are the silhouette of an object’s shape on another surface.

What is the difference between shadow and shade?

Shade can refer to any dark area in which sunlight or other bright light is blocked. Shadow refers to the dark shape that appears on a surface when an object blocks sunlight or other light. We had lunch at the park under the shade of a big tree. It was very hot outside so the boy found a place to rest in the shade.

What is 1point perspective example?

One point perspective is useful when the front plane of an object is directly in front of you and runs parallel to the horizon line. Some examples of when you could use one point perspective are when you look: Down a road or path. Down the hallway in your house.

Why is 1point perspective important?

By using just a vanishing point, a horizon line and a series of straight lines, you can create a realistic and complex rendering, which looks like it’s 3D, in a number of simple steps. In a one point perspective, the image or scene will be viewed face on, meaning that all of the planes facing the viewer are flat.

What is difference between shadow and shade?

So, what is the difference between shade and shadow in English? The shade is the area away from direct sunlight. A shadow is the dark shape made on a surface when a person or an object is in the way between that same surface and a source of light ; the source of light can be an artificial light or the sun.

What is Sunshading?

Solar shading (sometimes referred to as ‘solar control’ or ‘solar protection’) is the term used to identify a number of systems to control the amount of heat and light admitted from the sun into a building.

What is shaded drawing?

Shading is the process of adding value to create the illusion of form, space, and most importantly – light in a drawing. When executed correctly, shading can make a drawing appear three dimensional and create a convincing image. When rendering a drawing that communicates volume, shading is absolutely critical.

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