What is the exact route of CPEC?

What is the exact route of CPEC?

The Western Alignment of CPEC is depicted by the red line. The 1,153-kilometer route will link the Brahma Bahtar Interchange of the M1 Motorway with the city of Gwadar in Balochistan province. The portion depicted by the orange line between Basima and Shahdadkot is sometimes regarded as part of the Western Alignment.

What is the length of CPEC road?

Hakla – D.I Khan Motorway

Project Hakla – D.I Khan Motorway
Length (KM) 297
Project Description Salient Features of the Project: On virgin alignment. ​285 km length. New 4 lane motorway with 100m R.O.W acquired to upgrade it to 6 lanes in future.

What is the major trade route between China and Pakistan?

Khunjerab Pass
At 5,000 metres above sea level, Khunjerab Pass is a major trade route between China and Pakistan, and an important gateway to South Asia and Europe. China mainly imports textiles, agricultural products and daily commodities, and exports plants and herbs.

What areas does CPEC cover?

The CPEC is divided into the following five functional zones from north to south: Xinjiang foreign economic zone, northern border trade logistics and business corridor & ecological reserve, eastern and central plain economic zone, western logistics corridor business zone, and southern coastal logistics business zone.

Is Pakistan on the Silk Road?

For centuries, the southern part of the land Silk Roads, wound its way to south from Central Asia, across some of the highest mountains in the world, down through modern Pakistan and then curved east into India (Hindustan) or continued south to the Arabian Sea.

Which country owns Gwadar port?

China Overseas
CPEC is one of the most ambitious components of the BRI. The Gwadar port dream started in 2013, when a little-known state-owned company, the China Overseas Port Holding Company (COPHC), acquired the port for 40 years on behalf of Pakistan.

Is the China Pakistan Economic Corridor under construction?

China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (Chinese: 中国-巴基斯坦经济走廊; Urdu: پاكستان-چین اقتصادی راہداری‎; also known as CPEC) is a collection of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan.

When was the first train from China to Pakistan?

The first convoy from China arrived in Gwadar on 13 November 2016, thereby formalizing operation of CPEC. On 2 December 2016, the first cargo train, launching the direct rail route and sea freight service between China and Pakistan, departed from Yunnan.

What was the agreement between China and Pakistan?

As part of the agreement, Pakistan and China have agreed to co-operate in the field of space research. In September and October 2015, the government of the United Kingdom announced two separate grants to the Government of Pakistan for construction of roadways that are complementary to CPEC.

Which is the motorway between Karachi and Lahore?

A 1,100-kilometre-long motorway will be built between the cities of Karachi and Lahore as part of CPEC, while the Karakoram Highway from Hasan Abdal to the Chinese border will be completely reconstructed and overhauled. The Karachi–Peshawar main railway line will also be upgraded to allow for train travel at up to 160 km per hour by December 2019.

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