What is the types of production relationship?

What is the types of production relationship?

i) Relationship among Products: The basic product relationships can be: joint, complementary, supplementary and competitiveness. a) Joint Products: Products, which result from the same production process, are termed joint products.

What is a product product relationship?

Two products (or enterprises) are competitive when the output of one product can be increased only by reducing the output of the other product. Outputs are competitive because they require the same inputs at the same time.

What is product product relationship in agriculture?

Product-product relationship: The farmers have limited resources and have a number of enterprises/or enterprise combinations of crops and livestock to choose from. So the question is: How much of what to produce and with what technology.

What types of relationships can consumers have with brands?

Consumers Have Human-like Relationships with Brands

  • There are two different types of consumer-brand relationships: exchange relationships and communal relationships.
  • If you want to maintain consumer brand loyalty, you must provide value to your customers.

What are the different types of production?

There are three main types of production to choose from:

  • Job production, where items are made individually and each item is finished before the next one is started.
  • Batch production, where groups of items are made together.
  • Flow production, where identical, standardised items are produced on an assembly line.

What are the 2 types of production function?

Production Function: Meaning and Types

  • A production function may be expressed in three forms:
  • (A) Increasing Production Function:
  • (ii) Increasing production function with increasing marginal returns on the variable input:
  • (iii) Increasing production function with decreasing marginal returns to the variable factor:

What are the three major production relationship?

The production function is known as the input out relationship, yields curve, response curve, TP curve and factor product relationship. The factor product relationship is one of the three basic relationships in production economics.

What is Consumer product relationship?

A consumer-brand relationship, also known as a Brand Relationship is the relationship that consumers, think, feel, and have with a product or company brand (Fournier, 1998; Veloutsou, 2007).

What is ISO revenue?

This is called an iso-revenue line. Just as a production possibility curve indicates various combinations of two products that can be produced by using the same amount of the variable input (x1), an iso-revenue line shows all possible combinations of two products which would yield the same total revenue.

What are brand relationship strategies?

1) Master Brand strategy: the company brand is the focus and is indivisible from the sub-brand. 2) Sub-brand strategy: the company brand and the product brand are of equal focus. 5) Independent brands strategy: the product brands have no link to their parent company.

What is meant by brand relationship?

Brand relationship is the repeated interactions between a brand and a customer that start to reflect similar characteristics of relationships between people, such as love, connection, interdependence, intimacy, and commitment.

What are the 6 types of production?

Service Production

  • Production »
  • Job Production »
  • Batch Production »
  • Batch »
  • Mass Production »
  • Continuous Production »

Which is an example of a product-product relationship?

Types of Product – Product relationship. Two products (or enterprises) are complementary if an increase in output of one product (Y1) also causes an increase in the output other product (Y2) also, for the same level of inputs. PPC for complementary products have positive slope. Eg: Rotation of complimentary crop in cropping pattern.

Why are two products in a competitive relationship?

Competitive products Two products (or enterprises) are competitive when the output of one product can be increased only by reducing the output of the other product. Outputs are competitive because they require the same inputs at the same time.

What are the different types of family trusts?

A by-pass trust splits your assets into “trust type A & B.” Trust A is a revocable marital trust that the surviving spouse has full ownership of. Trust B is an irrevocable family trust of which the surviving spouse doesn’t own the assets, but can receive income from them during their lifetime.


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