Who are the Armenians related to?

Who are the Armenians related to?

Armenians’ relationship to world populations More specifically, Armenians are close to (1) Spaniards, Italians, and Romanians from Europe; (2) Lebanese, Jews, Druze, and Cypriots from the Near East; and (3) Georgians and Abkhazians from the Caucasus (Figure 2b).

Which category includes Alpinoids dinaric Armenoid?

headed people, includes the Alpinoids, Dinarics and Armenoids. The Parsis and Kodavas also fall in this category. (ii) Dinaric represented ‘by populations of Bengal, Orissa and/Coorg (Karnataka).

How far back does Armenian history go?

The origin of the Armenians is a topic about the emergence of the Armenian people and the country called Armenia. The earliest universally accepted reference to the people and the country dates back to the 6th century BC Behistun Inscription, followed by several Greek fragments and books.

Which is the oldest race in India?

Hutton believed that the earliest occupants of India were probably the Negrito race who, however, have left little trace in India. They are followed by the Proto-Austroloid. Next came an early branch of the Mediterranean race speaking an agglutinative tongue from which the present Austro-asiatic languages are derived.

How are Armenians related to Noah?

According to the biblical timeline the Armenians are direct descendants of Japheth, one the grandsons of Noah, whose ark landed on the top of Mount Ararat after the Great Flood.

What does Armenia produce?

The principal agricultural products are grains (mostly wheat and barley), potatoes, vegetables, grapes (both table and wine), and fruits. In 2006, Armenia produced 212,500 tons of grain, 539,500 tons of potatoes, 915,000 tons of vegetables and melons, 286,000 tons of fruits, and 201,400 tons of grapes.

Does Turkey recognize Armenia?

Diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey are officially non-existent and have historically been hostile. In 1993, Turkey reacted to the war in Nagorno-Karabakh by closing its border with Armenia out of support for Azerbaijan. …


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