Is but more importantly grammatically correct?

Is but more importantly grammatically correct?

Both more important and more importantly (as well as variations employing modifiers like most and least) are perfectly grammatical in sentences like “Most important/importantly, it’s logical.” (Since we’re getting all grammatical, we will note that important actually requires the comparative word.

How do you use more importantly in a sentence?

Importantly sentence example

  1. More importantly , how did they get out?
  2. More importantly , I wonder why he has it.
  3. Dan had always been his second-in-command and most importantly , as good a friend as any of Brady’s brothers.

Is it grammatically correct to say more and more?

When an adjective has two or more syllables you should usually use more and most, as in cheerful and beautiful above. When using the comparative or superlative form of an adjective, you should only use one kind of comparative or superlative.

What is another way to say more importantly?

What is another word for more importantly?

more essentially more crucially
more notably more appreciably
more materially more vitally
more indispensably more markedly
more seriously more remarkably

What is the difference between more important and more importantly?

The Oxford English Dictionary Supplement calls “more important” “a kind of sentence adjective” and “more importantly” “a kind of sentence adverb.” When they say “more importantly” is a kind of sentence adverb, they mean it’s like “thankfully” and “fortunately” when they come at the beginning of a sentence.

Is more important than synonym?

“Whether they fight may be more important than whether they win or lose in the end.”…What is another word for be more important than?

outweigh override
outrank overweigh
prevail over take priority over
dwarf be considered more important than
take precedence over be considered more urgent than

Can you start a sentence with but?

There’s no rule against beginning a sentence with but. Sure, it’s a wise admonition from middle-school English teachers that novice writers avoid beginning a series of sentences with but. In July we went to Six Flags. But it rained that day.

How do you use demonstrate in a sentence?

Demonstrate sentence example

  1. I tried to demonstrate the panic I felt.
  2. I offer these stories not to demonstrate that people can be cruel.
  3. She held her hands up in a circle to demonstrate .
  4. Events were soon to demonstrate the baselessness of these hopes.
  5. Why not demonstrate that adoration?
  6. But I can demonstrate .

How do you use more and more?

You can use more and more to indicate that something is becoming greater in amount, extent, or degree all the time. Her life was heading more and more where she wanted it to go. Bob became more and more furious.

How can I use more grammar?

More is often considered to be the comparative form of much and , many. You use more to indicate that there is a greater amount of something than before or than average, or than something else. You can use ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘a bit’, ‘ far’, and ‘much’ in front of more.

How do you say most importantly?

A: Either “most important” or “most importantly” (as well as “more important” or “more importantly”) can be used to introduce a sentence or a clause. In cases like this, “important” and “importantly” are interchangeable, and one is no more “correct” than the other.

What is another word for Interestingly?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for interestingly, like: intriguingly, oddly, curiously, ironically, unsurprisingly, tellingly, incidentally and uninterestingly.

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