What are the negative effects of Vyvanse?

What are the negative effects of Vyvanse?

Nausea, vomiting, constipation, stomach/abdominal pain, loss of appetite, dry mouth, headache, nervousness, dizziness, trouble sleeping, sweating, weight loss, irritability, and restlessness may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

Can Vyvanse change your personality?

Vyvanse can sometimes have a temporary effect on personality, causing changes in a person’s thoughts or behavior. For instance, Vyvanse can sometimes cause irritability, anger, or mood changes, particularly in children.

Can Vyvanse make you depressed?

Because Vyvanse is a stimulant, a person may feel depressed or fatigued when it begins to wear off. This is known as a Vyvanse crash. A person who takes Vyvanse in the morning may experience a midday crash as the drug begins to leave their system. The crash may make a person’s symptoms challenging to manage.

Why am I so tired on Vyvanse?

A few hours after a person stops taking Vyvanse, it starts to leave their system, which leads to a chemical imbalance in the brain. Because Vyvanse is a stimulant, when the drug leaves the body, some people may feel effects that are opposite to stimulation, such as fatigue and irritability.

Can Vyvanse ruin your brain?

They can cause confusion, mood swings, and symptoms of anxiety, as well as more serious problems such as paranoia and hallucinations. You’re also at increased risk of overdose, brain damage, and death.

Can Vyvanse make you crazy?

Adderall and Vyvanse can increase risk of psychosis, study finds. Certain medications used to treat ADHD in teens and young adults may be more likely to cause symptoms such as paranoia, hallucinations, delusions and hearing voices, a new study suggests.

Is Vyvanse safe long term?

Vyvanse is designed in a way that provides a measure of protection against abuse. However, abuse is still possible. Some may misuse the drug to enhance cognitive performance—for example, while studying. Long-term effects of abuse can include addiction, heart problems, psychosis, paranoia, and seizures.

Can you drink caffeine with Vyvanse?

Notes for Consumers: Limit caffeine intake (examples: coffee, teas, colas, chocolate and some herbal supplements) while taking this medicine. Also avoid medicines containing additional caffeine whenever possible. Side effects may get worse if you take excessive caffeine.

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