What is the definition of autonomy in geography?

What is the definition of autonomy in geography?

An autonomous area is defined as an area of a country that has a degree of autonomy, or has freedom from an external authority. It is typical for it to be geographically distant from the country, or to be populated by a national minority. Countries that include autonomous areas are often federacies.

What is autonomy short answer?

In its simplest sense, autonomy is about a person’s ability to act on his or her own values and interests. Taken from ancient Greek, the word means ‘self-legislation’ or ‘self-governance. In order to do these things, the autonomous person must have a sense of self-worth and self-respect.

What is the autonomy of a country?

Autonomy, Defined Autonomy refers to the capacity and right of a country or other jurisdiction to govern itself. The term, autonomous comes from the Greek word, autonomos meaning auto – “self” and nomos – “law” respectively.

Which is the best definition of personal autonomy?

Personal autonomy is the capacity to decide for oneself and pursue a course of action in one’s life, often regardless of any particular moral content. Political autonomy is the property of having one’s decisions respected, honored, and heeded within a political context.

What is the principle of respect for autonomy?

Respect for autonomy Respect for autonomy is a norm that obliges us to respect the decisions (self-determination) of adults who have decision-making capacity. Three conditions must exist for autonomous action by those with capacity to choose:

Where does the word autonomy come from in Greek?

Word Origin and History for autonomy. n. 1620s, of states, from Greek autonomia “independence,” noun of quality from autonomos “independent, living by one’s own laws,” from auto- “self” (see auto-) + nomos “custom, law” (see numismatics).

Which is the best definition of an autonomist?

1. the ability to function in an independent fashion. 2. in bioethics, self-determination that is free from both controlling interferences by others and personal limitations preventing meaningful choice (such as inadequate understanding or faulty reasoning).

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