What upgrades do you need for the suicide mission ME2?

What upgrades do you need for the suicide mission ME2?

What you need:

  • Heavy Ship Armor for 15,000 Palladium, from Jacob.
  • Multicore Shielding for 15,000 Palladium, from Tali.
  • Thanix Cannon for 15,000 Platinum, from Garrus.

What happens if you dont upgrade your ship in Mass Effect 2?

Normandy SR-2 Ship Upgrades that Impact the Mass Effect 2 story. If you don’t have these upgrades once you pass the ME2 point of no return, people will almost certainly die.

How do I upgrade the ship in Mass Effect 2?

Note that upgrades cannot be acquired until you’ve recruited the Salarian Scientist, Mordin, onto your crew. Once you have his space set up, the Normandy Upgrade terminal can be found in his living/office space. All upgrades have a resource cost associated with them as well.

Is the med bay upgrade necessary?

1 Answer. It makes no difference to the ending, and does really appear to be a purely cosmetic upgrade. You can save all your crew members without it, unlike some of the other upgrades.

Can you save Yeoman Chambers?

When Shepard and crew are off on a mission, the Collectors invade the Normandy and abduct Kelly along with most of the crew except for Joker. If you don’t perform any missions between the abduction and going to the Collector’s base, she can be saved along with the rest of the crew. If not then she’ll die.

Should I destroy or rewrite the Geth?

Rewriting the heretics will give you more paragon points whereas destroying them will give you more renegade points. Regardless of the choice made, you’ll have to make a desperate escape from the station on a timer. There are some geth troopers and a geth prime to deal with along the way.

Can you romance Samara?

Samara Romance Explained It’s considered a Semi-Serious Romance, which for Samara means that while it won’t jeopardize a Romance with any other characters and has no Romance Scene, in Mass Effect 3 it can’t be continued if you’re in a Romance with any other characters.

Where do I buy ship upgrades in Mass Effect 2?

The upgrade system in Mass Effect 2 is accessed via the Tech Lab on the Normandy, where Mordin Solus spends most of his time. Players can access a terminal there to see all the available upgrades and research them using rare minerals they collect while scanning and exploring planets.

How do you get multicore shielding in Mass Effect 2?

The multicore shielding will protect the Normandy during the Suicide Mission and is essential to keep all of your crew members alive. You can receive this after speaking with Tali and completing her loyalty mission. It costs 15,000 Palladium to create.

Does Tali ever take her mask off?

Yes there is. If you speak to her on the Normandy after that mission, she will tell you that she left something for you in your cabin. If you then go to your cabin, you will find a picture of her without her mask next to your bed. This only occurs if you’ve romanced her though.

Who romances Garrus?

When you romance him, of course Shepard and Garrus are lovers, but they’re more than that. They’re partners, two sides of the same coin fighting together until the very end.” Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, the long-awaited remastering of one of the greatest trilogies in modern videogame history, has released on Steam.

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